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  • Bloodshot -

    Now follows HAND OF DOOM.

  • jtb122883 -

    Wrote a comment on Capt_n3Mo’s wall.

    Wall Comment
    (⏓ ͜ʖ⏓)
  • syle22 -

    Replied to the thread Mute and Gag Appeal.

    Shortened to a week, please refrain from overtly racist remarks in the future.
  • syle22 -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Firstly thanks to those who gathered information and the lengthy detailed report. This decision does not come easy as we know Nemo has been a core admin for many years for us, helping dozens of players on the server. However, we have a zero tolerance…
  • MeTaL ^x^ -

    Replied to the thread Mute and Gag Appeal.

    Quote from Max Payne: “I did not say anything racist though, are you serious? Is this what the server is really coming to? And what do you mean keep abusing, I barely even play anymore. Keep "abusing"? Nemo is happy to talk plenty of shit back to me,…
  • MeTaL ^x^ -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    I'm not entirely sure how the challenges track and what the score is, but it looks like hes just planting 6 plants to me. Why can't he make money on his alt if he isn't transferring between the two accounts? Is he just supposed to be a brokie player?

    Replied to the thread Mute and Gag Appeal.

    Sadly , your previous race based attacks against one of our admins (and players from several other countries) , along with your usual hood mouth when you get excited or angry , has made the racist part of your mute/gag ban completely believable. Sorry if…
  • jtb122883 -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    I have NEVER used alts for personal gain, no wealth has ever been shared for personal gain. Now did I use it once or twice to troll someone, yepp sure did! I wont point out who in here but other admins use alt accounts as well. We use them for means to…
  • MeTaL ^x^ -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    You being Max Paynes brother further confirms my circle jerk comment. Admins have alts. Have you ever let your brother farm a daily off you? As I explained there is a system in place that restarts the server, if you think that the time frame of restarts…
  • black_diamonds -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Quote from MeTaL ^x^: “I would like to start off by saying that turdonken is a bottom feeding rat who is just throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks. It is also unreal the level of fan behavior turdonken has shown in this post and for his…
  • MeTaL ^x^ -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    I would like to start off by saying that turdonken is a bottom feeding rat who is just throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks. It is also unreal the level of fan behavior turdonken has shown in this post and for his own personal health and…
  • black_diamonds -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    100% agree with everything TurDonken has said. He has made the game unplayable for the casual player and banning Max Payne for what he said and calling it "racism" is absurd. There is definetly times where he has done some shady stuff. I would really…
  • Max Payne -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Quote from Capt_n3Mo: “Muchacho , Ill only cross dress for you bby! <3 =D First off I have NEVER used a wall hack and aim bot, I'll take that to my grave. If you have been following me then you know I have been playing in dm servers quite alot the past…
  • {EE} SheetMusic -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Quote from Capt_n3Mo: “Muchacho , Ill only cross dress for you bby! <3 =D First off I have NEVER used a wall hack and aim bot, I'll take that to my grave. If you have been following me then you know I have been playing in dm servers quite alot the past…
  • Capt_n3Mo -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Muchacho , Ill only cross dress for you bby! <3 =D First off I have NEVER used a wall hack and aim bot, I'll take that to my grave. If you have been following me then you know I have been playing in dm servers quite alot the past year to sharpen up my…
  • Jhonathan -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Hey guys Muchacho here. it’s quite ironic that the richest person on Cold for the last few years has a downfall, and his downfall? Greed. Not surprising hey Nemo if you get banned from Cold and you’re all alone and bored. I’d love for you to…
  • syle22 -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Before I action this. @Capt_n3Mo what do you have to say in response?
  • jtb122883 -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Hello its bob here! look iv never played a game like what HL2 Rp is. Never done Garry's mod any of that. But i know i fell in love with it (the sever) thought very high of it. But in time i would find that it's not how it should be. The nacelle aim…
  • Max Payne -

    Replied to the thread Mute and Gag Appeal.

    I did not say anything racist though, are you serious? Is this what the server is really coming to? And what do you mean keep abusing, I barely even play anymore. Keep "abusing"? Nemo is happy to talk plenty of shit back to me, LOL. Pathetic that you…
  • {EE} SheetMusic -

    Replied to the thread Nemo CHEATS and Alt Abuse/Admin Abuse.

    Once questions started to pop up about this account and how it got cop, it started to get used more sparingly and a new alt account named “Nacelle” became Nemo’s primary one. This one too did the exact same thing, only ever playing Sunday or Monday…