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Quote from hustler: “hello its hustler and i want to ask - how does it feel when admins breaking server rules blyat? everybody knows the rule about fences outside the house - "you can freeze fences in the public area" so my question is - why this shit ( on the photo below) is legal? it takes away the common space. this is a common territory, it does not belong to him. I love jumping in this place, why I cant do it now? ” Yeah, that's not exactly public space, it's someone's base. And over the ye…
ALABAMA I spent 8 consecutive Saturdays in college photographing inside PS4 in Jacksonville, FL. It's supposed to be extremely haunted, but I never saw nor experienced anything. It has a rather interesting history, having burned down twice.
PostI've missed that soccer stadium, it was always a fun distraction.
Ban Appeal
PostI actually was on when this originally took place. Multiple admin had determined it was lag hacking and if memory serves, a couple people had .dem as proof. As well as admin having been witness. Also, wasn't he told to stop doing whatever it was, then told admin to fuck off and kept doing it?
Quote from seminolemarine: “hasnt the server always done most first offence rule breaking as a warning, or at least some minor repercussion, such as a 24 hour cop strip or 1 hour ban? idk the full details (looks like not many people do lmao) but 1 year is way too much for a first offence. unless bro broke into the rcon or some shit, i dont see the reasoning for the lengthy strip. ” Multiple admin have seen multiple demos of the incident. They made the ruling based on the evidence. All evidence f…
it's interesting, Hustler actually admitted to me in a DM that he doesn't believe Russia's reasons for invasion, yet he still pushes those reasons in the discord. That right there should tell you everything you need to know. He could simply stay silent about it, but he (and other Russians recently on server) keep pushing the Russian narrative of "liberation from Nazis." Which has been disproven and debunked the world over. Russia has currently silenced all national and foreign media from using t…
While I wasn't a witness to this specific incident, Hustler has a long track record , ncluding multiple gags / mutes / bans for this exactly behavior. He is unfortunately very racist (repeatedly uses the n-word and doesnt like anyone who isnt white), he is extremely homophobic, and just generally a hateful person.
Quote from Captain Cock: “ And to cheat past a perm ban I should set up a brand new Steam ID and pay Steam $10 for a new Deathmatch licence? ” Yikes dude. Maybe you should re-read the rules. That is considered ban evasion, which would lead to a perm ban. For the record, you weren't permanently banned, and if you truly think you did nothing wrong then you can post a ban appeal.
Quote from Captain Cock: “Wait… what? I just got perm banned for passing game money from one account to another. What’s the difference? So If I bought that money from another account it’s ok? It’s encouraged?? I used two accounts to get an additional “daily spin”. I didn’t use that income to cheat up the biggest house on the map and put thousands of locks on doors. I didn’t use my massive excess of money gained from other accounts to intimidate players and build a huge gang army. And I didn’t ex…
Quote from joshhite11: “I talked with volar and he agreed that I could ban you. The ban stands. ” What exactly did I need to "cool off" from? What was the exact reason I was banned from the discord in the first place? The only interactions I've had with you in the past 2 months were about Zaxby's and my experience with them having been subpar, that was part of a larger convo about who had the best chicken sammie. You and Hoosa had posted about Sony buying Bungie. I responded that they own more t…
IGN: KILL THRILL n SPILL SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32342006 Steam Profile: Why you got banned: Unknown, only thing that I can think of is that I said something to the effect of, "You guys realize that scalpers always sell Super Bowl tickets for $6k+" ? I was given no warning and no reason. Other Information you think we should know: I'm assuming that Josh is the one who banned me, it is no secret that he doesn't like me and this is not the first time that he has banned…
Quote from epiX: “Quote from KILL THRILL n SPILL: “Quote from epiX: “Quote from KILL THRILL n SPILL: “I'm pretty sure that admin and players have discussed the game rules with you. As well as some calmly discussing what they thought you were doing wrong. You claim that if you are doing something wrong that it should be discussed with you, but when people do that you immediately turn to name calling and denigrating them. Scripting hrmm? Come to think of it, you even brought up about a week ago ho…
Quote from epiX: “Quote from KILL THRILL n SPILL: “I'm pretty sure that admin and players have discussed the game rules with you. As well as some calmly discussing what they thought you were doing wrong. You claim that if you are doing something wrong that it should be discussed with you, but when people do that you immediately turn to name calling and denigrating them. Scripting hrmm? Come to think of it, you even brought up about a week ago how you wanted your friend to get unbanned so he coul…