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  • Discord Ban Appeal

    Volar - - Accepted Ban Appeals


    Busy at work. This is my conversation minus Josh's initial message for Privacy reasons. I can see how it could be misinterpreted.

  • Chase noun noun: chase; plural noun: chases an act of pursuing someone or something. Below attachment is has a definition of Chase within it. Apparently it never made it into the Wiki or was lost with an update.

  • Closed - Denied. Kicks are a minor disturbance to get a players attention. Mutes and Gags aren't something to bicker over. They don't actually affect Game play in any way since you're on a platform that allows you to just DM your friends anyways. As for length of time all Admins should be following the Doubling standard, which is double the last amount of time for a like ban/gag/mute. The only time a high amount of time is seen as excessive is if it's a first time offense on a minor infraction.


    Volar - - Help & Support


    So I'm not against giving you a refund on the ELO reset, especially since it's clearly by accident. The reason it happened was due to you using the bank first and not exiting the menu it gave. It's menu was still in the top left corner so when you used your "catch and release bind" it instead did all it's actions through the bank's menu which happens to be resetting your ELO.

  • Should be fixed.

  • Those usually get tacked on top of the Medical Vendor. They are always an after thought and left out of the Set up Guide. I'll look into getting them added.

  • lawdog is a retard

    Volar - - Accepted Ban Request


    RIP ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

  • Merry Christmas. As a note, it's not automatic. Someone with the ability to set your flags on the forums has to be notified to grant you access.

  • If you reconnect do they show up properly or does the glitched one stay hidden?

  • +1 for Nemo, every occasion I've spoken with him has left a good impression on me. He seems calm and level headed.

  • n/a

    Volar - - Roleplay HL2DM


    Hmm, those looks nifty. Vote wise I could see using the noncolored ones below, with some stipulations on them to stop huge segments but I'd be fully open to discussion.…a643afc0bc4cd428e7d7e718c

  • n/a

    Volar - - Roleplay HL2DM

    Post…a643afc0bc4cd428e7d7e718c Read the post in it's entirety, also looked at images. The clear sheen on this above every section looks like a roof to me, hence my initial question.…a643afc0bc4cd428e7d7e718c This one makes it make a bit more sense to me but still looks like the sides and tops of segments have hard sections. Though the more I actually look at it the more I notice where the head goes through and the shoulders are pressed dow…

  • Job Update

    Volar - - Suggestions


    Quote from MiraclesBelieveInMe: “Hey Active Members of CoLD, Last night, a few players including myself we're thinking of some Ideas and updates for the jobs that are not as played as often. As many of you know there are only a hand few that are played around the server such as: -"Drug Grower" -"Counterfeiter" -"Hacker" We came up with some ideas that might make the less played jobs have more incentive to play here are just a few. Medic: The medic has always been apart of the game allowing playe…

  • n/a

    Volar - - Roleplay HL2DM


    Well looking at them and seeing whats written is one thing, seeing them in action is another. You've propped before so you know how origin and everything works. I see that it says these allow for predefined amounts of space and such to be left and utilized but knowing how people like their things propped, other than an Admin saying "No" which not all of us agree on the same things, whats to stop someone using these to go down to the absolutely lowest height for movement which glitches players he…

  • Funnily enough the one that closed the Thread was Syles.

  • 8 Sounds fair for Gangs. Gives atleast 3 full gangs and one semi full, assuming the 30 population could be met. As I stated in game I'd like to give all this more than a week to come to Fruition. Crouch ducking(Crouch Jumps) I was already leaning towards allowing a few swift ones in a base(Case and point allowing Graphix and not just removing it outright day one.) As for the multiple crouches to force through doors, assuming no one can actually figure out how to prop a base defensively without t…

  • Civil Protection Application

    Volar - - Accepted Applications


    Accepted for now.

  • Safe Place to Speak

    Volar - - General Discussion


    Quote from MeTaL ^x^: “Quote from HAND OF DOOM: “Metal: as far as your list of bans go , I made one mistake with Silent Telecast , the rest of those bans are righteous and correct. ” If they were righteous and correct, how come they are all instances where the player was unbanned? If bans are righteous and correct, they would be served, but those examples are from bans that were not served and were further unbanned. ” Not saying all of these were right or wrong but all of them have Context to so…

  • Safe Place to Speak

    Volar - - General Discussion


    Quote from CLITCOMMANDER: “Handle the recent event’s/admins in question first please, that would make sense before asking for feedback. The server is looking at their owner/executive root to make a decision as was previously suggested by yourself. You cannot find peace in a place full of fear. The people have spoken, action is requested and any lack there of is an obvious inability to carry out you’re administration duties in a way that effectively benefits the community and removes toxicity fro…

  • Safe Place to Speak

    Volar - - General Discussion


    This thread has been created due to recent events. This is a safe place to speak your peace about our Administrative Team, feel free to leave any feedback or past experiences here pertaining to our Team. Positive, Negative or anything in-between.