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Eco Reset
PostYo, old player by many names, Sabin and Yankee to name most recent. I like the idea of an econ recent every 6 months to a year to keep things fresh especially with the prest system that favors old players with some premium bonuses over newb's. the newb's should be able to look forward to buying new skins, wep's, tags and other items every few months after the next reset.
PostOkay, so short and simple. I am here to drum up alittle support for csgo rp. Basically just +1 if u would like to see a CsGo:Rp server from cold community. -Thanks
+1I've Been around the server now for a bit and feel I do have a vested interest in who becomes admin. My experiences with mister Castle have never really been "bad". I haven't noticed any exploits or cheating. and as far as instability, Well all the admins here are opinionated. and cops vs. robbers role play can be very... incendiary. I have seen this guy be helpful to other players and offer assistance when asked or someone obviously needs it. He tends to play with respect to the shield. and t…
+1 last time DH was admin ( I felt ) he was actually pretty good ( knew the rules and helped those online ) and the fact that he was mostly active while the other admins where afk or offline was a help to the community of that timezone. His personal insight and willingness to speak up in the forums and other medium could also benifit the community. PS - There was one occasion i whitnessed a player using the name (DH) as cop killing newbies and afkers and the like. I didnt grab steam id and this …
xbow skillcuff poll
Postyes, skill cuff "help the elderly."
I Like Beefs Ideas But feel they dont cover all problems. My List of admin prop rules is as fallows. ( oh and yes i know my resize rule ignors the wiki but i feel resize is the most exploited glitch in the system. ) -Admin Propping Rules ( Players /Admins Homes ) Re-size Command may NOT be used. ( EVER! ) Props that are one way opaque and oneway Transparent Must be Placed on a wall / surface larger then theyare. visible side facing into the home. No overhang off the wall / surface.They may not c…
--Basic info-- 30 |NotD| SaBiN 0:1:38542731 10 Days, 4 Hours --Questions-- Do you have a mic?: Yes. Why are you applying for Civil Protection?: -It will be fun to protect and serve. What are the basic rules as Civil Protection?: - Cuff/Uncuff and Jail is at 1,800+ Crime. - Do not shoot at Rebels unless shot at first. - - The player does not have to actually hit you. It just needs to be clear that they attempted to shoot you. - Kickdoor is to be used when a player has 4,000+ crime to enter their …