Quote from [C.I.A Director] Old Doc: “ jesus my eyes Vigor you need to stop trying to be an artist with autism its never going to happen looks like a 1st graders Project ” Sheldon, that's sarcasm.
Quote from Kevinyock: “ Quote from cat: “ Quote from Altair Ibn La Ahad: “ Quote from cat: “ ban spriggs for being a fuckass also my hair won't curl right so ban him for that too ” Ban cat, because I don't know if she's Catwoman (the only cat I know) or some random n00b. also because it's a woman ew women ” course im cat fuckass ” banned because your a cat. ;:lool:; ” banned because you said "your" instead of "you're"
Quote from VigorousSnow: “ Quote from Spriggs: “ Quote from VigorousSnow: “ Quote from Eldrun: “ Quote from VigorousSnow: “ Oh wait fuck are you making fun of castle? ” Nah longish story. ” Long like....my..... Dick ” In that case, it should be pretty quick! ” You wanna fight? You don't even wanna know what happened to Dane when we 1v1'd Irl. ” that made me laugh.
Quote from Hales: “ All is going well so far. Big thanks to everyone on the server for supporting us from the beginning, we couldn't have accomplished this on our own. ” Yeah no problem
Quote from Kevinyock: “ Quote from Syle22: “ http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198125051444 ” Thanks Quote from Zaknafian00: “ # 8 "Zak[NoSound]" STEAM_0:0:82392858 2:09:57 117 0 active is new acc ” So you can't get the old one. ” I used to deal with hacking problems all the time, not because it happened to me at least two times, but because others had trouble.
Quote from Hales: “ Old doctor finding a photoshop spray of himself, the girl he was seeing, and her young children, on the gunstore. Must've been a mindfuck. index.php ” Made my day.
Hey doc, at least people know the difference between "your" and "you're". You're probably going to say "THIS IS DA INTERNET WHO CARES". If you ask me, judging on your grammar skills I'd think you're a retard who can't spell properly.
Quote from TF2274_r.2.0: “ Quote from Dionysus: “ Quote from polskon: “ Quote from petrho (alucard): “ get your own problem solved ” Wow, not only do you have a superior sense of humour to us Canadians / Americans, but you also are smoother with the ladies. Everyone take notes. ” ” ” thx petrho ill try that out with the ladies in my class
Wong, you have bad taste of choosing DarkRP servers then. I've been playing on Noobonic Plague probably for 2 years now and they have pretty nice admins, just people there are REALLY big on whenever you kill them.
Quote from GunnedDown: “ Guys. I think we should move to wow, we could all download the free trial and play so fucking much Syle's Wow playgame (30days) ” no.