Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 181.

  • LilRunner Admin Application

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Applications


    Last time I checked this is an application and the playerbase is to word their opinion no? I worded my opinion. I put a -1, and said why.

  • LilRunner Admin Application

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Applications


    The fact that I asked you a direct question and you went around it instead of answering it tells me all I need to know. I never said anything about you cheating. I didn't say anything about cheating. I was asking what you would do if you caught walker breaking the rules.

  • LilRunner Admin Application

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Applications


    -1 Homie couldn't even prop properly for forever. And being an admin takes more than just unga bunga press key bind. There is already enough bias in the current and past staff. Why should one be added that is sleeping with a member of the player base. Lemme ask you this runner, if you caught Lilwalker breaking the rules, what would you do?

  • Mute and Gag Appeal

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Accepted Ban Appeals


    Quote from Max Payne: “I did not say anything racist though, are you serious? Is this what the server is really coming to? And what do you mean keep abusing, I barely even play anymore. Keep "abusing"? Nemo is happy to talk plenty of shit back to me, LOL. Pathetic that you guys are adults and can't handle the small power of being an admin on a half life server. It is also insane that you dont make any type of argument. there is no proof of me saying anything racist cause it didn't happen. Why ca…

  • I'm not entirely sure how the challenges track and what the score is, but it looks like hes just planting 6 plants to me. Why can't he make money on his alt if he isn't transferring between the two accounts? Is he just supposed to be a brokie player?

  • You being Max Paynes brother further confirms my circle jerk comment. Admins have alts. Have you ever let your brother farm a daily off you? As I explained there is a system in place that restarts the server, if you think that the time frame of restarts is too far apart, I would take it up with doggy. Anything can be pretty sus when you take out context and control the narrative. But I am going to take anything that racists like Max payne or known, caught, and punished exploiters like turdonken …

  • I would like to start off by saying that turdonken is a bottom feeding rat who is just throwing shit at the wall hoping something sticks. It is also unreal the level of fan behavior turdonken has shown in this post and for his own personal health and wellness I hope he goes outside, soaks up even a tiny bit of vitamin D, touches alittle bit of grass, and maybe finds a hobby or gets laid. I am assuming with this first video that it is right after turdonken and Hercules got your Respect amounts re…

  • Robber

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Suggestions


    There are currently 11 players with more than 10 million liquid. This doesn't include people who hide $ in items. We also have a 2nd player not far from 100 mil which I believe is double the most expensive item in game. The game needs money sinks, not money fountains.

  • hoosa

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Roleplay HL2DM


    You could just go over to Chaos and afk with all the Rejects

  • Quote from nyx: “In a world where a new RP map is released, what features could be included in the maps themselves to make cop lives better? Open to suggestions in the event I decide to do something. ” Stop making shit PD's with nowhere to spawn and 1 exit.

  • Alot to unpack here. First of all I would like to thank you for putting all of this effort into this and thought. It is well worded, well thought out, and I hope that something comes of this. Praises I have: The cop specialties position bring a breathe of fresh air to a 15 year old role while also creating the possibility of almost limitless variety when it comes to personalities combined with them. This entire proposal not only addresses problems and brings up other problems but INCLUDES Soluti…

  • Weekly/Monthly Challenges

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Suggestions


    I mean income and earnings are already public if you are in the top 25. 25 People is like half of the unique people that have logged in and actually played once.

  • Who? Jk Bloodshot is a respected member of the HL2DM RP community and someone should employ him +1

  • Remove Koipe from admin.

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Denied Ban Request


    So to add to this, not only does this person have Admin and is utterly useless this guy spawns with a Rev and suit after a wipe after Platinum VIP has been taken?

  • +1 Someone employ man.

  • Prop Admin Application

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Accepted Applications


    Can confirm he do like to do events and has trouble some times with having an admin there to set up certain props n such. Neutral on whether or not he should or shouldn't be.

  • My Experience with Mandrew...

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Roleplay HL2DM


    You pushed the server to nerf hacking AND got binds removed. Need I say more?

  • ₣яєє Hustler

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Denied Ban Request


    To go in depth on the comms bans as well 5 of the 66 comms bans are >30 minutes with 30 minutes being the standard "calm down" comm ban length. This tells me that he was utilize comms with very ill intent to the server itself in an abusive manner. The very first day I met hustler was him coming off of a ban. And even after freshly being off a ban he still broke rules that could have been banable that day. This includes everything from prop glitching through walls to actually threatening people I…

  • Trusted Application

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Accepted Applications


    +1 Get this guy some perms!!!

  • antlion guard bug

    MeTaL ^x^ - - Server Bug Report Forum


    antlion guard #1 I have killed hundreds of antlion guards with crowbar and some other players have used props at times. Im not particularly fond of zombies as their dead bodies flood the server. Also the antlion guard sits in one part of the map wheras zombies are everywhere and are in the way of anyone trying to do other things.