Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • What you did is noble. You are simply expanding the help and spreading your ideas.

  • UPDATE 27MAY2019 Finished the Bank…bdbf6a5f9c752c409dc7c36a1 Finished the Police Station…………bdbf6a5f9c752c409dc7c36a1 Finished the Garage…bdbf6a5f9c752c409dc7c36a1 Finished the Electric Generators (and have the function to be turned off which…

  • Quote from syle22: “Love the enthusiasm shadow Im working on more npcs for you guys to kill and making sure the 1v1 dm system is working fully. Feedback is always apprecaited ” Let me ask since you are the server owner. Are you guys interested in a new map? I am building it from scratch for your team.

  • Quote from 27 MAY 2019 UPDATE: “Click for images Finished the Bank Finished the Police Station Finished the Garage Finished the Electric Generators (and have the function to be turned off which will turn off all the electricity in the Safe Zone) Finished the Apartment Complex ” I love the server and the community thus far! I want to help make this server more alive and interactive. Shout out to LawDog for going above and beyond in helping me getting started and hooking me into the server as a ne…

  • Promotion

    Shadow39 - - Suggestions


    +1 to Lawdog. If it wasn't for him when I joined the server I would never have stayed.