Long ass break

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    • Long ass break

      I'm taking a 2 - 3 week break, as at this point I'm upset about how no one appreciates what I do. No one gives a shit about anything until I fuck up. No one is giving me a chance to prove who I really am now. I'm just going to leave for 2 weeks and would like to come back to a better server. I still want my cop rank and my houses to be intact when I come back. I will be checking the forums every 2nd to 3rd day, so if you need to contact me, contact me on here. Other than that, I don't want to come back to a server with abusing admins, *what happened today by a elite admin who I will not name* gets a bounty, hides in their house. I break the 20 locks, and doorhack the internal door. I go to kill him/her, and she/he suicides out of combat. Then he/she changes his/her job to root and comes back just to AR ball us, after we killed the afks. Hopefully by the time I get back the server will have fixed itself and there will no longer be people who are being immature people like this. I am hoping that someone opens my admin app so I can say what I need to say to the 2 admins who posted in there, but I know no one does any favours for non-ass kissers.

      See you all in 2 - 3 weeks on the server, and maybe sooner on the forums.
      - snip -