Good morning, gentlemens.

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    • Good morning, gentlemens.

      Good morning, gentlemens.

      Identity Card #5687545 :

      Name : Aleksander Mirnov (Aka : Django, The Bounty Hunter, James Peatternut, Bobby Jackson, Hermann Fliegt).

      Age : 33.

      Current Activity : Unknown.

      Past Activity(ies) : KGB, CIA agent (Double agent), elite soldier, mercenary, bounty hunter, hitman.

      Family : Unknown.

      Current Location : Freeman City (Anciently City 20).

      Past Locations : Kamtchaka, Russia , Los Angeles,Washington,USA , Africa, Japan, Australia.

      Look like : Unknown.

      This is a copy from the New America Confederate states, done after the Great War with the Combine Party.

      Lost one arm and one eye, burned on all the body because of a "work accident".
      As the fire modified his vocals cords, exept a special surgery, he can't breath anymore.

      Lost his two legs during a bounty in Siberia .

      Need to wear a -150 years old suit,found in an abandoned hospital.
      May look like a metal-made robot.
      Modified voice.
      Need a special cybernetic surgery to live normally again.

      Came to Freeman City for an unknown reason.
      Level 13 security recommended for this person.
      Be warned,could be armed.

      Mrs Kasagan : We need to get him.Our testors have been measuring his dangerosity and QI Level.Above 200.

      President Lowson : Don't be afraid.We get him when he starts bullshit.

      Mrs Kasagan : We need to get him first ! At least,warn our fellow police officers ! But what the he..?! Arrgh *Splash sounds* *Splash sounds* *Connection cut*.

      President Lowson : Kanagan,what happenned ? Answer ! Kanagan,is it alright ? Damn ! Contact the metropolice..ugh...Shit,contact the "POLICE FORCE" ! Go to Kanagan's house !

      *Arriving at Kanagan's house*

      *Horrified Police Mens discovers Mrs.Kanagan half unweared, swimming in blood,and items broken around*.

      *Police Officer - report to President Lowson*.

      -He is a very dangerous man.Threat level need to be 20,sir ! This guy needs to be considered as amred,and deangerous ! He didn't left anything from his travel at Senator Kanagan's house !
      Indeed,we don't know his goal.Be warned ! He can be and do what he wants,and nothing could stop him...Exept a huge blockade and lockdown,sir.

      -I don't want to come back at the Combine Time ! Noone of this ! Just be warned.Get the threat level to 11, nobody needs to know what happens...

      Senator Hube Chickeson enters : I got all the Special Forces members and Rebel's Secret Force on the ground ! They're searching his goal and searching him too.

      -Did I wanted this ? Senator Chikeson, if it don't works,you are fired !

      Cop and S.Chikeson in the elevator :

      -Damn,it's like we go back to ocmbine time...Being fired and shit...This guy is really evil...This,"Mirnov",I mean...


      *Weird sounds and cutting sounds*

      *Power cut*

      -Damn,what happens ?!

      -Haaaaaa,he is here !

      -Who ? Who the fuck is here ?!


      -Ahhh,we're falling !




      Recap : 26 persons died immediatly,like our fellow Senator and Police Officer,in unknown situation...
      34 persons died after some moments.Walking in the street with an arm in less,or burned on all the body.

      *Welcome to Hell...Citizens.Welcome to the war.

      -Mr.Django ? Huumm,yes,you can have this seat.New Manchester and Neoshangai are competing this evening.An ice tea..? Okay,good.Is Mr.Blowgood is coming ? For sure,he likes this bar ! But...Why asking...You know him..? No ? Huh,okay.Have a nice tea.