Two suggestions about the casino.

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    • Two suggestions about the casino.

      There are'nt that many people that has lost much money in the casino but there is always a few ones who loses and they could
      possibly end up rage quitting.
      So my goal is to make the casino secure witch is hard to do with some douches in the server.
      So i just found out 2 diffrent suggestions that could fix this problem.

      Suggestion number 1
      We could make a new rule called "No killing in casinos".
      So they'll understand that it is'nt allowed. And if they do, we could record it with the record/playdemo command in console and report it.

      Extra info about suggetion 1
      Good things : They could both bank and bet safer then they could before. It could be much less people who RDMs in the casino.
      Bad things : It's not easy to get it on record but after a while they would be caught. There would still be a low number of people who still kills in the casino but it still helps alot.

      Suggestion number 2
      We could make the hole casino room into a safe zone so you could both bank and bet safe.
      This would be making everyone happy without the casino RDMrs.
      Good things : People would never be able to RDM in the casino anymore, They would be as safe as the safe bank.
      Bad things : They could still use the bank killing glitch and get jailed in 1,5 min but there is a fix for this and it's by starting the safe zone a little bit outside of the door.

      Please, comment what you like about this suggestion. I don't want any shitty comments here, Give me real ones :)