Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

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  • Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

    I was told on multiple occasions by multiple admins

    that at the map reset the network of all items will be added up and added to anything in your bank and wallet
    and then divided by 10% and that would be put In your bank

    I am a VIP I had over 10 million easy in items, only about 10 K in my bank and nothing was done.
    I am sick of being lied to, Actually that is not fair to the admins
    I hear 1 admin took it upon himself to take the easy way out

    This is the reason the RP community is dying, stick to what you say
  • Re: Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

    Not sure if the conversion was pooched, or just is not done yet, but it appears I have lost the entire net worth of my items (about 5.4 mil) on the new map. Also curious why on a map change that was announced this far ahead that not one admin is present on the big day.
    Formula posted by admin was New money= (Entire item list$ + bank + wallet) X 0.1
    Looks like the items were missed.
    Please fix ASAP... I'm running around with nothing, and can't even afford the basics... I have approx 540k coming my way, when Can I get it?
  • Re: Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

    This is what script testing/validation is for folks... pull the db offline, run the script, check a statistically meaningful sample of accounts to see if it works... then roll it out. Live testing pisses off players, and there is no reason to do it.
  • Re: Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

    1). where were you at the map start time when plenty of admins were there. :-))
    2). we got screwed by the arithmetic and left.

    BTW... the auto calculations were extensively tested. Just like all the previous fucked-up useless fucking testing of anything [except what Nice Bob tested in HIS OWN test server- Bob's stuff has sweat and tears attached].
  • Re: Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

    With the exception of Koala all of yall are acting completely foolish and being little cry baby bitches... why don't actually offer some advise instead of wanting to put people's heads on pikes. If you don't have any idea of what is going on with the server, shut the fuck up and play the game like you normally would until this shit is fixed.... but I'm sure most of you money was from afking anyway so it was not legitimately earned in the first place.... fucking cunts.
  • Re: Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

    Koala wrote:

    1). where were you at the map start time when plenty of admins were there. :-))
    2). we got screwed by the arithmetic and left.

    BTW... the auto calculations were extensively tested. Just like all the previous fucked-up useless fucking testing of anything [except what Nice Bob tested in HIS OWN test server- Bob's stuff has sweat and tears attached].

    What Koala said was truth. There was atleast 5 Admins on shortly after the map went live. We all took note that Inventory wasn't calculated. Give it time and everything should get fixed in some shape, form or way.

    Dane Vogel wrote:

    With the exception of Koala all of yall are acting completely foolish and being little cry baby bitches... why don't actually offer some advise instead of wanting to put people's heads on pikes. If you don't have any idea of what is going on with the server, shut the fuck up and play the game like you normally would until this shit is fixed.... but I'm sure most of you money was from afking anyway so it was not legitimately earned in the first place.... fucking pattys.

    :o Dane seems cranky.

  • Re: Item reset lied to I want an admin here why are no admins in the game as I type

    First all my money was from growing and what I got when I donated, good job you took away the money I got from donating
    in the IT world when a rollout like this fails they do not try to fixing/debug in production
    you rollback and figure out what went wrong then try again

    where was I at map change. hmmm let me think oh yes I was at my job. I got off work ad came home to check out the new map only to find everything at 6's and 7's (all in a mess)