No-Clip abuse

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  • Just wanted to report that someone with no-clip, either admin or hacker used it to steal money from me today. (about 20 mins ago)

    My printer was on top of the blue tube in the back of the small bank. I went through the secret door in Beef's store to get in there and place the printer.
    I then hid in the tube. At about $9K i suddenly got the "a player has stolen your printer message" - i then dropped out into the bank and looked up, no one there.
    SO it MUST have been no clip

    I then asked who had done it - no response
    I then asked who was admin - no response.
    I then said I'd report - no response.

    I don't care about the cash, I've got almost $1M saved, but I'm bothered that whoever did it doesn't give a shit about rules, players or the server.
    I've been playing HL2 RP for years, have tons of Friends and have played all of the old RP servers. Only 2 short (30 min) bans in over 8 years. I know the difference between being a bit of an ass once in a while, bending the rules, and deliberately abusing players in an attempt to bully them out.

    I've attempted to upload a screenshot of the player list.

    In case the image doesn't work the list was:
    Fluffy lasciva Dolphin
    tw Jhonathan
    aqua the peer
    Fluffy Wolf King
    king of anime
    Dr Worm
    no sound

    I don't want the cash back, I don't even want the admin punished, just wanted to say that whoever it was is an asshole who should have had the balls to own up.
    Obviously ALL admin abuse, no big deal, but abuse and say you're abusing and players will generally take it as part of the game. Cheat and get all serious about it, hiding etc, just makes the server look shit.

    Cpt Cock (aka NumbNuts)

  • I checked, there's no property above or behind the bank, plus I don't think it's possible to steal through walls anymore.
    If the player had got in there as I did he would have had to be standing IN the pipe to get to the printer - I was the only person in the space when the printer was taken.

    I'm sure it wasn't duer - he wasn't active and he's always a straight up player.

    The people active were - Wolf King, Anime and Thunderbolt.
    I'm not accusing any of them, but they will certainly have seen my chat remarks.

    Whoever it was - you know who you are, please stop being a dick
  • Volar wrote:

    Could also be someone stole it through a wall. I'd have to log on and No Clip to see if it's even possible to get on the side of the wall since I'm 99% sure I know where he's talking about since I set up all the Blue Tubes.

    It sucks that it only says "A Player" and doesn't tell you whom did it like it used to.

    duer wrote:

    Me in class
    Chick behind you is kinda cute.
    Beefdick always on the lookout for females......
  • I will have to hire the private detectives, these guys are dangerous criminals. They've made their names invisible to steal the 9k. Send me some funds in PayPal and I'll get this investigation up and running. We will have your 9k in no time at all and the criminals behind bars.

    Seriously though, do you not have a house?
  • Greaser wrote:

    I will have to hire the private detectives, these guys are dangerous criminals. They've made their names invisible to steal the 9k. Send me some funds in PayPal and I'll get this investigation up and running. We will have your 9k in no time at all and the criminals behind bars.

    How much to hire these said "private detectives" Im not looking to break the bank but I need that 9k back.......

    And its your risk to be having your printer in the back of the bank where anyone with a door hack can go, I suggest getting a house with locks so this doesnt happen again. Honestly I know no admin did this for 9k, another player must have just doorhacked in and stole it.
  • 420alex wrote:

    nd noclip would be announced.

    Noclip isn't announced to non-admins, same with every command for the last few months. And since Duer was at class during the incident its more than likely that someone just came in grav gunned the printer and left.

    Also just tested taking printer through walls... Doesn't work

    Urr... how to add videos? lol, heres link anyway:

    The post was edited 2 times, last by The Doggy ().

  • Thanks to Doggy for responding and taking the time to check the actual complaint rather than making stupid comments about the lost $9K
    - which if you read the original post was incidental.

    On house question - sold it as map is changing.

    The issue being reported was possible no-clip abuse, but given that the thread has identified a possible alternative I'll have to accept I might have got it wrong.
    I'm still not 100% sure, I was on headphones hearing sounds from around the map but didn't hear a grav gun swipe it, but at this point unless anyone else cares I'm happy not to waste any more time on it.