Plugin Updates - Bug Fixes - Tweaks

    • Plugin Updates - Bug Fixes - Tweaks


      Sorry I haven't made an announcement in a while, but today I have some news. So firstly here is the list of changes and bugfixes I have made in the past number of weeks. They are already live on the server.

      The Bugs:
      - Fixed plugin telling you that you're combat flagged every time you take damage (even though you're already flagged)
      - Fixed combat flagging not unflagging you until you die
      - Fixed "suicide out of combat" logging.
      *** If you die in any way (other than being killed by another player) while combat flagged, you get a chat message and it logs the event. THIS WILL NOT PENALIZE YOU IN ANY WAY, but if an admin sees a lot of these in the logs then it can help to solve someone reporting you for suiciding out of combat.
      - Fixed last login time for sm_doorshow not showing the correct login time for users
      - Fixed trash selling not specifying correct quantities in the logs. This did not affect player gameplay
      - Fixed players with exactly 1800 crime not showing up in crime list
      - Fixed money dropping logging NULL for quantity in the logs. This did not affect player gameplay.
      - Fixed LogEntry sometimes erroring due to single quotes (which are special characters in MySQL)
      - Fixed cops can still accept bribes after releasing players via stunstick
      - Fixed bug that made sm_viewhits sometimes not work

      The Features:
      - It now takes 20 seconds of not taking damage from another player to be unflagged (combat flagging)
      - When a hitman kills a hit, the completed hit is announced in chat (but the hitman's name is not revealed)
      - Added ability for cops to accept or decline an individual player's bribes
      - Trash now teleports around if not collected. This also fixes the issue where trash stops spawning eventually
      - Trash no longer spawns in a perfect circle around all the spawnpoints. Instead it's more of a pile.
      - Doubled all robbing rates for NPCs
      - Doubled max rob amount for NPCs for regular players, tripled for players using the Robber job (a buff for the Robber job basically)
      - GPS bugs now last 6 hours unless removed using a GPS scanner. This is regardless of if the bugged player is online or offline. Basically the only way to disconnect to get rid of a gps bug is to come back 6 hours later.
      - NPC exclusion has been added to the drug runner job. Meaning drug runners won't have to go to VIP NPCs or others that are in the exclusion list. NOTE: I don't think I ever added the rp_uptown_v3 VIP NPCs to the exclusion list yet.
      - NPC Robbing cooldown changed from 10 minutes to 5 minutes

      Upcoming Jobs (in production still):
      1) Computer Hacker:
      - Certain models, set up by the admins, are computers.
      - Press E on a computer to begin hacking it. This will open a menu.
      - The menu will contain a set of numbers that follow a pattern. Except one of those numbers won't fall into the pattern.
      - Successfully choosing the correct number (the one that doesn't belong) will "hack" the computer.
      - Computers have a cooldown time after being hacked.
      - Successfully hacking a computer will give you "computer software"
      - ANY PLAYER, not just hackers, can use any piece of computer software on any computer
      - To use computer software, look at a computer, and then use the software from your inventory
      - Computer software is destroyed after being used once
      - There will be multiple types of computer software. Each different type will be obvious in your inventory
      :: Banking software (use the bank from any computer)
      :: Vendor software (use a vendor from any computer)
      :: Credit card data (not software, but gives you a random amount of money when used on a computer)
      :: Hacking software (gives you two more pieces of software from a computer)
      :: Anti-Crime software (resets your crime)
      :: More to come eventually
      - You do not drop software if killed
      - Hacking a computer AND using software on it increases your crime
      - As stated earlier, only hackers can obtain software from a computer, but anyone can use the obtained software. This means selling software to other players is possible, and you don't need to switch to the hacker job to use it.

      2) Walter White
      - 3 items: Sudafed, Meth Oven(lol), Meth Ingredients
      - Meth oven is like a printer. Buy once. Use until lost or stolen.
      - Meth ingredients can be bought from a vendor
      - Sudafed CANNOT be bought. It can only be obtained by robbing NPCs.
      - You get money AND sudafed by robbing NPCs.
      - Spawn your meth oven, and add meth ingredients and sudafed. Meth will be made which can be sold at the drug buyer.
      - You drop meth on death just like weed.
    • "Shittonofbugsinc"

      As of the most recent update, I have made only one modification to the core plugin. The rest of the code is an entirely new module.

      So the only new bugs that might be introduced will be isolated to this new module or will involve the one addon to the core plugin.

      In case you're wondering, I added the ability to name NPCs. The reason being that the vendor use software that lets you use a vendor from any computer on the map (once, since software is one time use per software copy) needs a way for players to choose which vendor they wish to access.

      So all vendors will have names to aid in that.
    • Yeah the NPC fixer has added a new problem and we may not be able to use it immediately upon the reset.

      You see, I currently do not know how to disable ai completely. this isn't a problem because the hl2 engine doesn't work well with most NPCs in hl2dm. The extension that fixes them also makes the NPC vendors and bankers act real. They got shot at by combine NPCs if I spawn them, they start shooting at other NPCs and they move around or run away.

      I can't just spawn the NPC model because then the hitbox is just a tiny hitbox in their feet. Maybe there is a way to spawn an NPC entity like normal, and then convert it into a different entity type in order to keep the hitbox. Idk right now.

      Without the NPC fixer extension everything is fine. The NPC fixer extensions also cause created NPCs to fall into the ground but I think spawning them just slightly above the player will fix that.
    • CheesyBread wrote:

      Yeah the NPC fixer has added a new problem and we may not be able to use it immediately upon the reset.

      You see, I currently do not know how to disable ai completely. this isn't a problem because the hl2 engine doesn't work well with most NPCs in hl2dm. The extension that fixes them also makes the NPC vendors and bankers act real. They got shot at by combine NPCs if I spawn them, they start shooting at other NPCs and they move around or run away.

      I can't just spawn the NPC model because then the hitbox is just a tiny hitbox in their feet. Maybe there is a way to spawn an NPC entity like normal, and then convert it into a different entity type in order to keep the hitbox. Idk right now.

      Without the NPC fixer extension everything is fine. The NPC fixer extensions also cause created NPCs to fall into the ground but I think spawning them just slightly above the player will fix that.
      yea me and doggy built the new vendors with the falling thing in mind. I also added invisible zoning around every NPC using npc clips, so they wont run away. Npcs also can't enter the building that the vendor is in regardless, as there are npc clips over the building's doors as well.

      List of NPC vendors who are pussies when it comes to combine:
      Gregori (only scanners)
      Kleiner (maybe)

      NPCs that were used in singleplayer now avoid the player correctly, meaning they move if bumped into. Alyx and barney are no longer usable because of that.

      You could try setting the vendors to a scripting state, or give them the "efficient" flag so that they don't acquire enemies or avoid obstacles.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Uberkist ().

    • Well I like that you did that to make your map work with my plugin, but problems like this are supposed to be solved by the plugin:

      1) Problems caused by my plugin or by any other plugin should be solved by plugin code.
      2) Problems solved by plugin code should be general UNLESS:
      - the problems are created by one map (or a set of maps with one specific cause of the problem)

      In this case it is the npc plugin which is fixing the NPCs "too well".
      I think I can find a solution to this, but I might not be able to do so in time for the reset.
    • I don't think gman, mossman, or breen ever moves.

      I did come up with a solution however. Every so often I can have my plugin spawn a scripted sequence at the location where certain NPCs should exist which will make them walk back to where they belong.

      Edit: A shitty solution, but you gotta piss with the cock you got. I hope to find a better solution though.

      Also these NPCs only move when grenades come near it or an NPC it hates (such as the cscanners on rp_pray).
    • I hope you can make this game fun again TF lol, I'll love you forever if some old players come back and the economy is reset, I haven't been on in a while but last time I was the door with 12,000 fucking locks kind of discouraged me from playing lmao.
      im like an eyeball or maybe a tooth