The Jig is Up

    • The Jig is Up

      Disclaimer: I would just like to point out that before you read any of this, I did eventually learn my lesson. I never did anything sketchy on this account but that doesn't excuse what I did before.

      Alright so it looks like your fancy shmancy sourcesleuth software has finally figured out that I am a duplicate account. I thought it was just family sharing at first but apparently not. It looks like I'm donzo, so I'm just posting to say thank you all for a wonderful couple years. You may have known me as: "Schirenia | Purple" (my main), "the koi invade", "shades" or, of course, "Agreed in Weed". As I stated above, I stopped hacking after my third ban (it's kind of sad that it took me so long) and I can't say it made this server any less enjoyable.

      So long and thanks for all the fish,