Kritical's Cop Application

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  • Kritical's Cop Application

    -*-Kritical's Civil Protection Application-*-
    --Basic info--
    Age: 16
    In-Game name: Kritical
    Time played: As of 02/09/2017 i have 109 Hours in the RP server
    Do you have a mic?: I do

    Why are you applying for Civil Protection?: To put order into the streets by neutralising criminal activities

    What are the basic rules as Civil Protection?:Do not shoot at Rebels unless shot at first.(doesnt have to be hit just clearly provoked)

    Dont let rebels in PD

    Do not favour players

    Dont unjail another cops prisoner without consent

    Cuff/Uncuff at 1800 + crime

    Kick door down at 4000+ crime

    What is the function the Civil Protection?:

    If a player were to be rdming you what do you do?: Arrest them, or kill them if attacked again

    How much time can you dedicate to the server(Include time zone)?: I am able to dedicate a minimum of 4-6 hours a day for this server. I live in Greenwich Mean Time Zone
    UTC+00:00 in the UK

    How will you benefit the server?: By stopping criminals

    Is this your first time as Civil Protection?: Yes it will be.

    A new player has joined the servers and no admins are on, how will you help this player?: I will help the player to the fullest extent i can. Any questions he asks within reason i will answer for them.
    I will also point them to the !motd for the rules and tell em to do !tutorial for some basic info on how it works

    Anything else you would like to add?: I am a gang but I am willing to leave it if my application is approved
    --End Application--