Suggestion for implementing motor-vehicles

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    • Suggestion for implementing motor-vehicles

      I know you guys probably don't like the idea, it creates a lot of unnecessary lag I hear, but please just hear me out.
      I believe that vehicle's should be implemented so that players with larger bank accounts, such as I, wouldn't just have money sitting idle by, waiting for it to be reset. There should be luxury items such as vehicles that server the purpose of, not just transportation, but to show off as well. I really don't mind what kind of vehicle. Gordon Freeman's air-boat, the rusty corvette in Half Life 2 Episode 2, I don't care. Implementing addon's to the cars such as weapons could be cool (with limited ammo, of course) but I could see how that could be abused.
      The cars could have a limit for how many people could use a car on the server at once, perhaps 3 at a time, one per person to reduce lag. (If you put the price high on the vehicles, then the limit shouldn't be much of a bother)
      The cars could be like models, where it remains in your inventory when you use it, and you can bring it back into you inventory with maybe /garage for example. There could also be a fill-up needed for vehicles so that the cars don't have full charge all day, but it isn't too necessary. Also, whenever a player disconnects from the server, the vehicle is brought back into the player's inventory. Just a few suggestions, thanks.
    • Wouldn't be a bad idea for say if we had a map specially made for this sort of thing. (Especially for the modded vehicles, added weaponry etc.) It's just that our maps and even our server just isn't suited for vehicles. Not to mention the amount of other factors need be changed around etc.
      The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting