Rat Meat admin application

  • Rat Meat admin application

    Steam Name: Rat Meat ҉

    SteamID: STEAM_1:0:120227469

    Age: 21

    How long have you been a part of our community(either server)?: Two years or more, not completely sure

    What does being a staff member entail?:Why do you believe that you deserve to be granted a trial-staff position?: Being a staff member entails being an admin first and a player second, meaning that I would be responsible for helping out on the server whether it be solving disputes among players or simple things like doing props upon request. I believe that I deserve to be granted a trail-staff position because I am active on the server and I genuinely care about the community. There are large windows of time on the server where no admins are on and I figure that maybe I could help out during those hours.

    Do you have any previous staffing experience(s) (List community and, if possible, rank)?: Years ago on a apocalypses themed serious RP server on garrys mod. Can't remember the name of the community for my life

    Do you understand the basic commands of our server that we use? If so please list how to do the following(Completely):
    a). Kicking a player: sm_kick - sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]
    b). Banning a player(for one day): sm_ban - sm_ban <#userid|name> 1440|0> [reason]
    c). Creating a prop: Use /db_create
    d). Freezing a prop: Aim at the prop you want to freeze and type /freezeit. Type /unfreezeit while looking at the prop to undo it
    e). Saving a prop: Aim at the prop you want to save and type /save
    f). Connecting a prop to a door: use /linkpropdoor # on all props
    g). How to look up any SourceMod command: sm_searchcmd [key word here]

    Explain how you would handle the following situations:

    A player says they suspect another player of hacking: Once it was brought to my attention that someone had been suspected of hacking I would first spectate the accused player and observe their behavior. Once it became clear to me they were hacking I would then ban them. If it's not clear whether or not they are hacking I would most likely ask another admin for their input

    A cop is rdming other players: First I would warn them as well as ask them why they are doing it. Since it's made clear that rdm isn't allowed outside of the PD as a cop unless there is a lockdown event in the cop application I wouldn't give any further warnings after the first one before kicking the cop and then letting the rest of the staff know that said player is knowingly breaking cop rules and that they should have their cop stripped

    A rebel is rdming players under ten hours: First I would warn the player and explain to them that players with the box model are under 10 hours and not to be killed. Id also mention that you can check the scoreboard and check there if you are still unsure who is under 10 hours. After the first warning I would kick the player and if I had to warn them again i'd ban them, the length of the ban would depend on whether or not they've been caught doing it in the past

    A new player connects whom has never played lite rp before: I would give them a detailed walkthrough of the basics and show them where all the NPCs/vendors are and explain their functions. If things are still unclear to them I would suggest that they type !tutorial and learn there

    A player says they have lost their cop due to a mess up: I would listen to their side of the story and then also speak to the admin who stripped their cop to get further information. Once I had all of the details I would then make a decision from there. If it seems clear that they lost their cop for a good reason I would let them know that. If it seems that they wrongfully were stripped of cop or either somehow lost cop to some sort of mix up I would let the rest of the staff know and recommend that their cop be reinstated

    Have you read and understood the community rules?: Yes I have read the rules and I understand them

    Do you understand that it will be your job to enforce these rules?: Yes I understand that it will be my job to enforce the rules

    Do you understand that you as a staff member are still to abide by these rules along with others pertaining to staff?: Yes I understand that as a staff member I am to abide by the rules along with others pertaining to staff

    Do you understand that misuse of your rank will result in your immediate removal as well as other possible consequences such as a ban?: Yes I understand that if I misuse my rank I will have it stripped and possibly be banned
  • Ratmeat is a friendly player that communicates well with others in-game. There is not one incident that I can think of that would make me think poorly of rat being given a chance to prove his worth as part of our admin team. In my opinion Rat would be a fine addition to our admin team and would be one to climb the ranks rather quickly. His application is well thought out and shows he has a great understanding of what being an admin is all about. +1
    The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
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