Fo' Serious...

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    • Fo' Serious...

      I am seriously considering quitting Syles, just because I feel like people are bitching to me for not being acxtive enough. My explanation: i am doing other stuff, which includes my very important exams soon to be coming up, so i therefore, am revising for them. I have gained a soical life (I KNOW RIGHT O_O) so that means im not stuck infront of a computer 24/7. There are mny reasons, but i'm just asking peoples opinions..

      Am i huge faggot for not being on here doing my "proper duty" as a cop by having a social life or revising?
      Or will you let me keep cop and only come on, on the odd occasion where i have a bit of free time to myself?
      Or quit altogether (which does not include me giving my cop to anyone else, this is where the server has "dun goofed!" by people moaning because "BUT HE DID IT TOOO WHY CAN'T I HAVE HIS COP?!")

      Jarate (Josh)
      CEO of Faggot corporation
    • Re: Fo' Serious...

      Dane_Vogel wrote:

      Any kind of life takes greater presidence over video games.
      We will always be here with open arms and a cup of coffee.

      Means a lot Dane, thanks

      I seen you around, your not really that active :0

      Nope, not recently anyway, my internet was down for a few days, plus i have major exams soon ?.? Maybe after the exam season calms down i'll be more active