Bio Waste & High-security Jail Cells.

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    • Bio Waste & High-security Jail Cells.

      I have two ideas that I don't really know if they are at all possible to integrate in the game as it is. And the second one has other implications.
      But I can't find out if I don't ask, or in this case, suggest.

      - Bio Waste -

      • Description:.
      This would see the addition of a new trash type for sanitation workers to pick up and sell.

      The left-over bodies on the streets from either a Zombie infestation or Antlion Guard attack (or maybe even player dead bodies - although admittedly that one'd be a little too dark lol) would turn into trash items.
      For the Antlion Guard especially, I thought that maybe after death, the Antlion would split into equippable gibs.

      • Issues I can think of:
      I'm not sure if the server would like it if the bodies (and gibs) would turn into solid equippable objects with collision.
      However, I'd bet it won't have to deal with many of them as the financial incentive is good enough for players to switch to sanitation as soon as - or just before - a mob event happens and even compete to pick it up.
      If not, maybe a despawn timer can do the trick?

      • Goal:
      I'm hoping that with this change, Sanitation would become a more interesting, useful, job. And thereby, see a little more popularity.
      Not enough well paying legal jobs. Besides, the bodies on the streets are just an eye-sore.

      - High-security Jail Cells -

      • Description:
      This would see the addition of a new set of cells in in the PD, to which players whom were arrested (or whose bounty was claimed) with 6,000, 8,000 or 10,000 and above crime are sent.

      The jail would so be split into two categories. Standard, and High-security.
      High-security implies in this case that the cells would be further away from the entrance of the PD and/or have more doors in between, therefore, harder to break into and out of of.
      I personally don't think it makes much sense, nor that it's fair that a player with 1,800 crime is jailed like a player with 20,000 or more.

      • Issues I can think of:
      RP Maps are not equipped with this traditionally. Nonetheless it's not a lot to do. It could easily be added to the bulk of preparatory work for every map change. I am personally willing to add the cells to the maps' PDs myself.
      Any Cold Community Mapper's help is welcome.
      Another problem is that I realize I am biased in this view but I don't really think it's much of a big deal from rebel/gang members' standpoint either. They mostly all bribe anyway.

      • Goal:
      I'm hoping that with this change, breaking people out of jail becomes fairer, more challenging and fun. And maybe, it'll make criminals feel special in those cells lol

      If not, my alternative suggestion is to at least simply raise the minimum bribe limit for certain crime levels, or just IN GENERAL. 25$ is laughable. The average player has a 1 mil in the bank.
      Yes, a cop can decide what to accept and not to. I'm just saying, why is there even a limit if that is it?

      Thanks for reading my suggestions and have a good day <3
    • L + ratio + pretty sure dead bodies are client-side + just do my own interpretation of a sanitation job (scrapper) where the trash you get can actually be used for something. (crafting, trading, different values of trash)
      CSGO CoLD Admin. Mapper. Server Destroy Supreme Master Extraordinaire. sniper
      Best American CSGO RP Server Owner 2021
    • Repent1337 wrote:

      Like violent crime VS planting printing crime etc needs to be accounted for.
      I had the same idea too! and I would love it.
      But my thinking was that that it would be a pain to program different types of crime having different outcomes and such, at least it would be likely that it'll be bugged. So I thought since you get different amounts of crime depending on what crime you did was how we already differentiated crime types, let's work with that and add one more ramification to a higher level of crime.
      As it is now, there are 3 checkpoints so-to-say:
      => 1,800 can be cuffed
      => 3,200 has bounty (on kill will be jailed)
      => 4,000 door can be kicked if inside.

      I just want to add one more somewhere between 6,000 and 10,000.
    • Killing other rebels already gives more jail time than just normal crime (printing/planting etc.) and as Grubbsy said ragdolls are not networked so you can't actually do anything with them but spawning some kind of gibs that could be picked up is something that could be done. Creating separate jail cells for high-security criminals would in some cases require complete redesigns of PDs which sounds like more effort than it's worth imo but if you want to do that then possibly that could be looked into.
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