Renewed Civil Protection Application

  • Renewed Civil Protection Application

    Age: 24
    In-Game name: Baba Rasul
    Time played: 1,300+ hrs


    Do you have a mic?: Yes, Overwatch come in.

    Why are you applying for Civil Protection?: I enjoy the responsibility. Plus that non-mechanical reproduction stimulation sounds pretty good.

    What are the basic rules as Civil Protection?: rebels are inferior scum evilgrin they are not to be cooperated with, PD grounds are off limits for them. As soon as a direct provocation is confirmed, they are to be sterilized.

    What is the function the Civil Protection?: to administer civil judgement, keep crime minimal, and ensure RDMers aren't having a field day.

    If a player were to be RDMing you what do you do?: I would apply a malcompliance verdict to the face - after every provocation in self-defence of course - while keeping a patient eye on their crime level.

    How much time can you dedicate to the server(Include time zone): GMT+1:00, 15-30 hours a week.

    How will you benefit the server?:
    - making sure the earners are also having a good time and aren't deterred by my presence
    - dedicating most of my "grind" to the cop job, which will maybe give me insight to make suggestions on how to improve it.
    - since my time zone is different this also provides the server with a cop during down-times.
    - helping noobs get through the basics of this RP of ours.

    Is this your first time as Civil Protection?: no, I have served the Universal Union before.

    A new player has joined the servers and no admins are on, how will you help this player?: show them around while wearing a smile beneath my gas mask.

    Anything else you would like to add?: let's get this money :D
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