n3mo is unfit to be admin

  • n3mo is unfit to be admin

    The reason why I'm putting this post under the abuse section is because some of this is actually abusive and this is the closest category that matches this post, because of this, I can't necessarily use the report format.

    By far the admin I and many others have the worst experience is n3mo. He has chased many players away from the server whether he means to or not. This includes me, El Muchacho, and even others that spoke about him here on Chaos (no intent to advertise). Despite that, this isn't intended to be a character assassination of n3mo, but rather why he's unfit to be admin.

    Very poor judgement and bad interpretation of events

    n3mo has a tendency to jump to conclusions way too quickly, has poor judgement and just fails to accurately describe what happened a lot of the times.

    Remember when Stright-Outta-Alprazolam asked if a certain feature was normal/permitted? (This post: Is this ok?) Let's put aside the fact that n3mo just randomly started talking about irrlevant stuff and focus instead on how he said in-game that Stright was "whining on the forums" even though this was clearly just a question he asked in good faith if you actually read the post.

    One time n3mo was talking about China Syndrome and he told this story about how China said (or threatened) that he was going to create a company with Cold's name and then sue cold for using the name. What actually happened is that China said that he *could* do that to give Syle a hard time with having to hire a lawyer, going to court, etc...

    On the day me and El Muchacho's gang invaded his house, there was one instance where n3mo said that El Muchacho SOC'd in front of him and that they were in the same room. I know this is hard to prove since I lost the demo for this, but I literally rewinded and showed El Muchacho and the rest of the people in the call the demo of when El Muchacho suicided and where n3mo was currently at. n3mo claimed they were in the same room when El Muchacho suicided, but El Muchacho had no way of knowing that n3mo was there, AND n3mo was actually in the room before the room n3mo claimed he was in when El Muchacho suicided. This was the moment where I had to tell him that he needs to stop listening to n3mo with almost anything, because he just gives many false assertions and misinformation.

    We all know that as a cop, we have to be consistent with how we treat other players, otherwise it's favoritism. Well one time n3mo thought that I released hoosa instead of accepting a bribe. Even though I told him what happened, he doubled down and called me a liar. Well thankfully for me, I have a demo proving that he's wrong and the entire interaction was recorded as well. drive.google.com/file/d/14iUAz…deQXj61ACOjganOHOzxE/view
    Switched to cop at tick: 152245
    Hoosa cuff ticks: 170100, 180000, 185700, 232900
    n3mo confronting me: 219700
    This clearly shows that his interpretation of events isn't reliable, he said "I watched you do it", and kept doubling down on his accusation, even though he was completely wrong. This is another instance that proves that his role as witness to an event should really be taken with a huge grain of salt.

    Neglecting Responsibility

    As stated in my previous post about Cold, I would ask n3mo what is or isn't allowed because I was unsure, mainly because there's a bit of undocumented rules, and the next part of this post didn't really help with that. He eventually just stopped answering my questions, and as mentioned in my previous post, admins have a responsibility to answer questions like that.

    He actively avoids telling me why he thinks I use macros. If you (a staff member) accuse someone of breaking the rules, you have to be able to articulate why you think that, especially to the person you are accusing. I've asked him on discord, he blocked me. I ask him on the conversation thing this site has, and he left the conversation 1 minute after reading it without even leaving a response. I hope others can see that this is not good behavior.

    Evidence of this occurrence:

    As seen in my previous post, it seems that he created an excuse to dodge responsibility/accountability altogether. He basically says that we're just volunteers just trying to do our job, and while I understand that, it's not an excuse to dodge responsibility or to do a poor job, especially on a server that I paid money on. I'm not asking for perfection, I'm asking for competence.

    You'll need to listen to the demo posted previously for this part for context, starting at 219700 and keep listening for awhile. For those that listened, I forgot what I asked, but I likely asked if he provide the demos and screenshots that he claimed proved that I favored as a cop and I assume that's likely what I asked because of what he responded with. Now, I have 0 clue who he could even be talking about nor could I point towards a specific instance of me even minorly favoring as a cop. He even claimed that he lost so much data in my previous forum post so now all we have is his word, which, as previously established, is unreliable. What's even worse is that when I sent him this demo in dm's proving that I didn't favor as a cop, he just ignored it, again, neglecting responsibility.

    Rules that n3mo just made up

    I may as well just list them because there's not much else to say, these aren't even in the rules, yet he decides to enforce them.

    1. Don't break the main VIP door locks
    2. Don't use the stunstick as a cop for combat (as in, not intending to arrest someone, but still using it in combat)
    3. Use kickdoor on the VIP main door instead of using keys (even though the rule literally states that you can)
    4. Don't use sprays that have his name in it (or anyone's name?)
    The only rule about sprays is containing pornography or sexual content, that's it.
    5. Don't switch to cop just because someone asked you to because it's colluding?
    Not according to The Doggy! Look at my Cop App and you'll see what I mean.

    What's even worse is that when I ask n3mo about some of these, he sarcastically asks "Do I even need to answer that?" as if it's just some obvious thing. N3mo, how can you answer my question like that knowing that these rules aren't documented and that you made some of these rules up?

    Why is he still admin?

    Clearly he's one of the most active and dedicated players of Cold and it's no surprise that anyone can find a very obvious rule breaker and give them a punishment, anyone could do that. It could also be that he's paid at least hundreds of dollars on this server as he claims and if that's true, it's not surprising that donor money could be a factor with him keeping his status as an admin.

    What do I think should happen?

    Obviously the decision isn't up to me, but I'll leave my opinion anyways.
    He should either have his status as an admin revoked or someone has a talk with him about this. Many examples I listed are just outrageous and the fact that nothing is being done about it astounds me, though to be fair, many things pointed out in this post aren't very well known or known at all which is why I'm bringing these facts to light.

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Mandrew - Wonderland_War ().

  • correction, the first instance of China allegedly threatening the server was actually him informing nyx/onyx of what could be done when the database is open to the public, which was used as an excuse for admins to ban him. China may grind your gears but this alleged threat was probably some crazy conversation which he threw a random scenario out for the topic of discussion and honestly sounds crazy and his name alone is known to make you jump to conclusions, which is biased as hell. Anyone with common sense would most likely dismiss immediately but hell common sense ain't so common nowdays. The fact that you only picked up that Single part out of mandrew's entire statement astonishes me and leads me to believe maybe mandrew is right about staff here, maybe he left one or two people out of the post that he should have included. Just food for thought.. Good day
  • HAND OF DOOM wrote:

    LOL , Funny when I mention China , a one game owning troll comes out of the woodwork to defend China (with lies) and attack me. Pathetic attempt as usual. We'll let Mandrew answer the question.
    I know EXACTLY who T!N C/\N2000 is, trust me, he's not a troll. Tangent aside, I heard it from China himself, and he actually went into more detail than N3mo did and n3mo seemed to just have an outright twisted version of what he actually said. But I personally trust China more with the facts of something more than N3mo because he's claimed many things about stuff in general and things about me that I know are outright false, which I established in the post.
  • Since this pertains to me.

    1. The exploit only allowed for the appending of data to a query through a html form.
    2. Because I did not anticipate this was possibility, I lazily did not do proper clensing of the query allowing for SQL injection.
    3. The setting pertaining to the quary and the database it attached to is set in stone and cannot be modified.
    4. The data contained in this database was all publicly available information by using the affected tool in it's intended fom.
    5. Nothing was actually at risk.

    T!N C/\N2000 wrote:

    correction, the first instance of China allegedly threatening the server was actually him informing nyx/onyx of what could be done when the database is open to the public, which was used as an excuse for admins to ban him. China may grind your gears but this alleged threat was probably some crazy conversation which he threw a random scenario out for the topic of discussion and honestly sounds crazy and his name alone is known to make you jump to conclusions, which is biased as hell. Anyone with common sense would most likely dismiss immediately but hell common sense ain't so common nowdays. The fact that you only picked up that Single part out of mandrew's entire statement astonishes me and leads me to believe maybe mandrew is right about staff here, maybe he left one or two people out of the post that he should have included. Just food for thought.. Good day
  • This post was locked due to derailment.

    The rest of this post is not relevant to admin abuse, the below is my concern

    Mandrew - Wonderland_War wrote:

    1. Don't break the main VIP door locks
    2. Don't use the stunstick as a cop for combat (as in, not intending to arrest someone, but still using it in combat)
    3. Use kickdoor on the VIP main door instead of using keys (even though the rule literally states that you can)
    4. Don't use sprays that have his name in it (or anyone's name?)
    The only rule about sprays is containing pornography or sexual content, that's it.
    5. Don't switch to cop just because someone asked you to because it's colluding?
    Not according to The Doggy! Look at my Cop App and you'll see what I mean.

    1. This is not documented well but is a hold over as for the longest time vip doors were super locked to avoid players getting to the vip vendor and so n3mo was perhaps doing the best he could without access to the super lock command. This has been changed with the current season: the vip vendor will deny you access so players may break into the vip apartments at will.

    2. I don't believe this is a rule as you have wrote it, but it is stated as this because the stun stick does not damage players it does 0 damage and heals them.
    Do not Hit random Rebels with the Stunstick to Heal them unless asked. (This Includes Crossbow Skill Cuffs)

    3. Kickdoor can be used for a raid above 4k crime. when you initiate that raid, anyone inside the raided house may be shot. So perhaps this is advice rather than an enforceable rule. Did n3mo ever ban or strip a cop who used keys on the vip? I don't think so but it should be clarified, either method is allowed.

    4. there was a variety of personal information being shared a few months ago via sprays and made several people uncomfortable. This is what I would fall under common sense and admin judgement. Doxxing is not allowed. If i really have to specify that to you I will now.

    5. Doggy states that you may not collude with rebels in his post.
    Do not favor as a Cop, play fair. - Do not collude with rebels in any way to gain, elo, exp, or any other advantage using your cop status. - To avoid favoritism. If you are going to release one of your jails, release them all.

    The Doggy wrote:

    You're absolutely allowed to switch to cop if a player has a daily to be done; you can switch to cop whenever you want, you just can't stand there and let them shoot you or favoritize them over other rebels.

    My only concern with this post is the misconception on the rules mainly point 1. . The rest of it is personal bickering between you two which I will have a word with n3mo on. This is not a severe case of abuse that warrants retirement, this warrants a discussion between me and n3mo on a couple key rules.

    That is all
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