Super Door Hack After Wipe?

  • Super Door Hack After Wipe?

    I Would Just Like To Be Informed On Why A Couple People Still Have The Super Door Hack If We Did A Wipe? Why Didn't They Get Cashed Into Prestige Points? ($50mil Worth). Tis Not A Vip Item When Donating? Im Just Trying To Understand How Its Fair To New Players, When The Old Players Who Have The Super Door Hack Are All Literally In The Same Gang, Behind Same Door Together? Just Saying If Its A Wipe Why Are We Picking And Choosing What Gets Left And What Doesn't... Sorry To Those Who Feel Different A Bunch Of People Have Being Complaining About This Matter But Hasn't Said Anything So I Guess I Will Lol...
    :hmm: :hmm:

    Ps: Not Trying To Start Nothing, Just Asking What Ive Been Asked Lol

    The post was edited 1 time, last by LilRunner ().

  • I guess the super doorhack and some other previleges still ingame are "older" then the one you can buy ingame. Along time ago there you where abel to buy/pay for some items/previlegies. And i guess Syle still honor the agreement he made back then.

    Anyone feel free to correct me if i'm way off banneddd
    If life treats you bad, always remember to do you dailie spin and when you have counted all the fucking new Crowbars
    then you realize that your day just went from bad to worse!
  • I believe the idea was that the players who were able to afford the 50mil superdoorhack last wipe didn't really have the time to use it, and therefore were given it now. That is how I remember it being told by Nemo. It would be good if an admin could clarify the decision. :D
    A-well-a-bird, bird, bird is the word! Don't you know about the bird? Everybody knows that the bird is the word!
  • I was also wondering the same thing like 2 days after the reset and was asked by other players as well... I think that's a little OP especially when the people who do have it are all behind the same door? Hacking got changed because it was too "OP" but having a 50 mil door hack after a ECO reset isn't?? What about the players who were hacking to make their money? When hacking got nerfed that affected all players... but having the ability to get into all doors/computers/suit room/cells in the PD in little to no time isn't?

    Also are the players who do have it able to sell at buy back like last map?
    Do they have a 50 mil inventory value right now?

    They can also use the doorhack to break out their gang members but us players who don't have it cant.. what if there's a gang war etc. going on.. that's a little OP.

    One more thing. One person (Mandrew) made a post about how hacking and it got changed... but this is fair?

    One more thing too (edited)- I know people had the door hack last map and they had it for a while.. so I don't understand the "they didn't have time to use it" idea? because I know people did have it last map way before the reset.
  • Yeah, it's hot trash. Sounds like a fair and diplomatic decision until you realize the majority of the ones who have it are all in the same gang and just try to run roughshod over the rest of the server with cuffsaws and unlimited doorhack, affording them every opportunity to rack up crazy crime and scale their money as they please so they can do it all over again.

    Arguing "you can't sell it back" is weak. Arguing they grinded for it last map and should keep it is weak as well, that's like saying I worked my ass off for a base and lost it so I should have a free house the next map.

    I'm with Runner, it's total dogshit. A total reset is a total reset...not just a reset to some. As if reverting back to a doorhack with a ONE MINUTE cooldown is such a tough pill to swallow...yikes.

    This is one of those things you have to be in the server daily to realize how much of a joke it is. To me this isn't even a close's just stupid.
  • yall are insanely biased. if you had one you would be saying the opposite.

    in your own post you admit its only a 1 minute difference. It did not take 1 map it took all wipe its an item that is objectively not op, it allows access to the pd at best and is a high tier reward for long term investment. even when you get into the pd your crime by the time you reach the jail is 2k which warrants a cop to kick your ass. doorhack out and you have a bounty which a player can send your ass to jail. there is a soft cool down on it of roughly 10 seconds if you spam over that you get auto jailed for 30 minutes.

    get 50m get one yourself and never buy it again its an even playing field. its not for donation. its hard coded into the prestige plugin
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