Pinned Rasul's Civil Protection Reform Manifesto

    • Rasul's Civil Protection Reform Manifesto

      Hello everyone,

      Here it is:

      Rasul's Civil Protection Reform Manifesto.pdf

      Copy pasting the text into the forums destroyed the formatting, hence the PDF.

      A summary of all suggestions in a nutshell:

      - Either a rule prohibiting cuffsawing others if released in the prison
      OR RP chat messages that inform cops when a Cell door is hacked.
      - Closing off Suicide Chamber with props if it isn't closed by the mapper.
      - If a player kills himself in the Chamber he still respawns in it.
      - Dynamic bribing system.
      - Weekly challenge for who bribed most.
      - Cops seeing how long a prisoner's sentence is.
      - Less torturous Skillcuff.
      - Reinventing Lockdown event.
      - Buffing money from criminal activities while Cops are present.
      - Either a separate income for cops
      OR a compensation per shift system.
      - Adding ways for cops to lose XP.
      - Raising the Bounty level and Kickdoor level crime to 4200 and 4400.
      - Cops killing criminals shouldn't lower their crime (or should lower less)
      - Either weakening Stungun or scrapping it altogether and making it exclusive to Disarmer
      - Changing the names of the Cop ranks.
      - Cop Specialties.

      Besides that, all the new commands included and their function:

      !Skillcuff switch the the function of crossbow to a cuffing weapon
      !Shift for cops to see how much time left in the shift.
      sm_superpush(for a Tank specialty) a stronger sm_push that also cuffs and jails instantly with a 10 second cooldown if it lands
      sm_longjump(for an Assassin specialty) new jumpmode like the first half-life longjump
      sm_highjump(for an Assassin specialty) new jumpmode that just increases the height of the jump like the assassins from the first half-life
      sm_rubberbullets(for a Disarmer specialty) switches the function of the AR bullets to do no damage and instead increases the pushing force of the bullets
      sm_lifeline(for all cops, when a Sentinel is present) glows a laser line leading to Sentinel
      sm_recharge(for a Sentinel specialty) resets his health and ammo as if he suicided but without dying and without changing location.
      sm_viewprisoners(for an Administrator specialty) a menu to manage all cuffed and jailed players.
      sm_insertion(for all cops, when an Administrator is present) a menu to choose where to spawn after death.

      More details in the PDF of course.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Rasul ().

    • Alot to unpack here. First of all I would like to thank you for putting all of this effort into this and thought. It is well worded, well thought out, and I hope that something comes of this.

      Praises I have: The cop specialties position bring a breathe of fresh air to a 15 year old role while also creating the possibility of almost limitless variety when it comes to personalities combined with them. This entire proposal not only addresses problems and brings up other problems but INCLUDES Solutions to the problem. I hope that this inspires other people to do more than just bitch about problems they have with the server. I also really enjoy the idea of the alternate cop income requiring time served, it has a cap to how much it can earn but also requires a minimum time to put in daily or weekly to benefit. A fair balance to added income.

      Concerns I have:
      QOL Changes-
      Cops seeing the length of the players sentence could lead to issues with how cops handle bribes. I already think their are cops who are already lame and I would rather shit in my hands and clap than let them know how long I'm in jail.
      With lockdown having a 12 hour cooldown, there should be a minimum requirement of cops to be on before it can be utilized. We don't want the same 2 cops capitalizing on lockdown while the rest of the force misses out. Either that or adjust the cooldown.
      The skill cuff change is kinda meh as it takes the "skill" part of skill cuffing and turns it into more of a ranged cuff.
      As an addition to the stun gun a general nerf to the change it makes to recoil would be nice, it can make weapons unusable.

      Disarmer needs to have some kind of rules on disarming players, as the smg grenade is an AOE they need to be held tot he standard on when they can AOE. We already have the issue where certain cops just WHIP SMG nades and harm bystanders, how pissed is someone gonna be when they get their RPG or $300 rev taken away for just being in the wrong area.
      Sentinel I believe should have a range limitation when it comes to healing or bleed. While the crossbow is harder to aim, the fact that you can do it from a range means less risk and less of a combat medic role. A shotgun would be good as the healing or bleed effectiveness is strengthened by being closer to the action.
      Administrator I have the same concerns as above with lockdowns. I as well feel this specific specialty should have a higher minimum XP to select, maybe even that only the person with the highest XP can utilize this specialty.

      Again This is good stuff here and I may have more thoughts in the future.
      Remember to Baba My Rasul for bribe!
    • I've got to say, as long as the recommendations are I can get behind like 90% of them, the idea for cop specialties is one that I've had for a while but I couldn't think of anything. While baba is on cloud 9 and making some creative specialties that don't clash with each other. Very good post 10/10.
    • thank you for your comments :D

      MeTaL ^x^ wrote:

      Cops seeing the length of the players sentence could lead to issues with how cops handle bribes.

      What issues? The way I see it, it's a Cop's right to decide which bribes to accept and which not to, he cuffed and jailed you, it logically follows that he should know how long you're in for.
      The crime amount could give you an idea but not really. The whole point is so that they can ground their bribe expectation in reality
      (however, if the dynamic bribing system I proposed becomes a reality, then this won't matter)

      MeTaL ^x^ wrote:

      We don't want the same 2 cops capitalizing on lockdown while the rest of the force misses out.

      I understand where you're coming from, but I hope you can appreciate that Cops may think that 2 is already too many to ask for.
      And remember, a precondition I've suggested is that one of them has 1400 XP or more, meaning they've put in about 100+ hours and they STILL need another cop to just start a vote.
      besides me and Nugget no one is playing cop regularly and for longer that 15 minutes. If that changes, then of course we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

      MeTaL ^x^ wrote:

      Administrator I have the same concerns as above with lockdowns. I as well feel this specific specialty should have a higher minimum XP to select, maybe even that only the person with the highest XP can utilize this specialty.
      So, what I've essentially suggested is taking away the privilege that Cops have now to start a Lockdown however whenever and restricted it to a specialty.
      As to your second comment, I think that's actually fair and I wouldn't mind it. I even had the same thought you proposed... BUT the problem is it would kind of clash with the Specialty assignment system I suggested because it basically means that if the top XP cop doesn't choose Admistrator, no one else can, and he basically took away two specialty slots.

      MeTaL ^x^ wrote:

      The skill cuff change is kinda meh as it takes the "skill" part of skill cuffing and turns it into more of a ranged cuff.
      I think that trying to land a crossbow hit already demands quite a bit of skill. Not to mention that while you're trying to juggle weapons to get Stunstick and Crossbow to switch with Q, you're being shot at and not defending yourself (which is a reoccurring theme of a cop's life which I'm trying to extinguish with this post) But I understand your concern and I wouldn't be against the idea of for example, taking this as well and restricting it to a specialty.

      MeTaL ^x^ wrote:

      Disarmer needs to have some kind of rules on disarming players, as the smg grenade is an AOE they need to be held tot he standard on when they can AOE. We already have the issue where certain cops just WHIP SMG nades and harm bystanders, how pissed is someone gonna be when they get their RPG or $300 rev taken away for just being in the wrong area.
      Again, I understand your concern, but the issue of "certain cops" not using discretion with SMG nades has already been addressed.

      As to whether it is actually possible that an innocent player could lose their guns, in a chaotic situation, if they stand in the crossfire? Yes that's very possible, and it is sort of the point, it isn't likely, but the THREAT of losing your guns defines the personality of this proposed specialty. Like I said "if a group of rebels are huddled together, they should think about dispersing when they see him"

      Picture the following situation: Two rebels have been killing a cop for the past 10 minutes, then the cop gets a revenge kill on one of them, and now he's not KoS anymore, but he stays right next to the other rebel so as to deprive the cop of being able to use an SMG nade ?( rocketlauncher :hi: and so that IF they use it, they can cry about it and maybe get the Cop stripped. It's a dirty tactic but it's not against the rules. Disarmer is my idea of giving a little bit more risk to something like that besides maybe losing 30HP which the cop can easily fix with the Stunstick.

      and keep in mind, "certain cops" isn't the ONE cop who is 2800 XP and above and using the proposed specialty with it's associated accountability. But, if a Disarmer messes up, it's like when any cop messes up, there's either acknowledgement of the mistake, apology and compensation, OR due process by uploading a demo and assessing whether it was an honest mistake, the rebel's poor decision-making or the cop abusing his power.

      MeTaL ^x^ wrote:

      Sentinel I believe should have a range limitation when it comes to healing or bleed. While the crossbow is harder to aim, the fact that you can do it from a range means less risk and less of a combat medic role. A shotgun would be good as the healing or bleed effectiveness is strengthened by being closer to the action.
      Again, Sentinel is not a combat medic, he's a walking suit room. As I've stated "he should generally avoid direct combat away from prying eyes, but stay in theneighborhood so-to-speak."
      My intention is that he avoids risk and camps somewhere for Cops have to come to HIM and rebels to find where he is so that they kill him and pick up the supplies he drops.

      The crossbow healing as I've suggested it would be like feeding a healing item to a cop, meaning they don't heal instantly, but gradually. Same when it hits a rebel as a poison dart.
      And honestly, if a Sentinel tries to snipe from afar, sniper he's not likely to hit anybody and it would be a waste because it's better to save the bolts for the cops that come to him while his [Recharge] is still on cooldown because that way, the bolt landing is guaranteed and the Cops still get something from retreating to the Sentinel.

      Also, Shotgun as the healing/poisoning weapon is just weird lol... but I wouldn't really care tbh. I thought maybe the crossbow looks more of a syringe gun and has a bit of a mdical look to it at least
    • First off, as many have already said special thanks to Rasul for taking the time to make such a well organized-- and thought out document outlying issues with cops and potential solutions to make both the cops job more enjoyable and dynamic but also realizing that changes to cop may require changes to rebel incentives as well for both balancing reasons and to nerf cops in some areas while strengthen them in others.

      Creating my overall response to your original post with some of my own ideas input into the recommendations rasul made:

      1).The bugs should be something that are fixed, but I actually have a recommendation for a substitution (or rather a supplement) for the suicide chamber and that is "VIP Jail." This is not in the way of old VIP jail where it autoset jail time to 10 minutes but rather the cop can pay money/and or exp to place a high value criminal in a "more secure prison cell" (would only work on certain maps). The cavet with this is only one prisoner can be place under "High security (VIP Jail)" at a time.

      2). Skill Cuffs: I think this should be limited to ONE specialty and it should half xp gained from a cuff. Xbow skill cuffs are difficult until you understand how the mechanics of a crossbow work at a higher level which makes them near impossible to dodge-- there's a reason Sidezz and other professional DMers have advocated against it in the past.

      3). There should be a buff to the money earned from criminal activities while a cop is present. Again I like this idea a lot-- at the same time this helps rebels by creating an incentive to create more crime to raise their income (if done carefully) to combat cops who are more vigilant at cuffing and jailing. I want to take this a step further in my next point.

      4). Rebels should lose CASH when cuffed when paired with a bounty- if you are caught with bounty crime and sent to jail I don't think cops should get the money but the cash should be instead sent to a terminal in the PD that hackers can steal from sort of like an "evidence locker" consider this a hacker buff as well which could easily be made into a daily. This would incentivize being more careful than just racking up a bounty with a printer and recklessly leaving your house with 30k (exaggeration but you get the point) in hand.

      5). Other income than just jailing players/cop dailies & duties- (Rasul is full of good ideas) I like the idea of shift compensation-- stay on cop for a specified amount of time (perhaps different levels like dailies) and complete certain tasks-- such as active things like cuffing, destroying contraband, or perhaps putting 'locks' on terminals that cost xp but add an additional barrier to hacker. Another idea would be perhaps marking a specific drug buyer as a undercover cop (who cant cuff) but when drugs are sold to place a massive bounty on the player who sells to him first. (This of course cost money/and or xp).

      6). Bribes: I'm not entirely a fan of the dynamic bribe system-- but I do think knowing jail time is an important feature that for some reason is now non-existent. Perhaps with a dynamic bribe system there is a min and max range of "acceptable bribes" that cops can accept without repercussion. If they go well above that rate they should be penalized by xp as well as if they go well below that range. Scaling of course as touted in an above idea.


      Now onto the other part of his 'manifesto'

      7). Cop EXP loss: I agree cops should have some way to lose xp being killed is not very high on that list of things I think should lead to xp loss rather I think accepting bounties that are higher than the amount of money they receive from jailing players SHOULD contribute to loss in xp. Thinking from a logical standpoint accepting a bribe is being a bad cop-- it should scale based on how high you go above your 'jail time' earned money with a reasonable cap. The other recommendations he made for xp loss are good as well.

      8). Bounties raised: I have no opinion on this I do not play rebel enough to know how balanced bounties are/are not.

      9). Stun gun: I actually agree here as fun as it is to freeze someone in their tracks, especially with introduction of some of his specialties he spoke about (with obvious balancing adjustments) the current stun gun is powerful, annoying, and really decentivize for cops especially when you have other cops with you.

      I will make an additional post about specialities at a later time when I can further type more-- but to sum up my thoughts on it I like the ideas but they could use some balancing/adjustment of numbers and certain factors within the way they are earned/enrolled.
    • nyx wrote:

      In a world where a new RP map is released, what features could be included in the maps themselves to make cop lives better? Open to suggestions in the event I decide to do something.
      Oh boy... well, since you asked, I think there are many quality check boxes that I should should be ticked and should even be a standard:

      • ☐ The PD doors should close in maximum 3 to 4 seconds after opened.
        There's no reason a PD door should stay open for 12 seconds.

      • ☐ The PD should not be too big, nor too small.
        For example: Uptown and Amsterville: too cramped. City45 and Freemancity: a little too big.

      • ☐ The architecture of the PD itself should not stretch too far in any dimension. Not too long or too wide, but fairly rounded, such that there is at least more than one way to reach any given room,
        creating a sense of flow, accessibility, choice and unpredictability.
        For instance, if you're gonna have an elevator, have stairs or a ladder too. Otherwise the PD suffers from too many chokepoints. This is painfully missing during a PD raid when a rebel gets far in the PD.
        For example: In Uptown, if a skilled DMer is on the second floor, it's almost hopeless. Or, on City45, the top room of the PD has only one way up and down through the slow ass elevator shaft, so you're basically a sitting duck going up there. At the very least, add a Cop spawn in those deep rooms so that there's a bit of variety.

      • ☐ Front lobby in the PD that is relatively spacious should be the first room after the front door. This lobby should have walkways on the sides, sort of like on city45 and Freemancity but are either blocked by an invisible prop or too high to reach from the lobby itself. This would help cops get an initial chance to defend the PD from a superior position. More verticality always helps. Some maps are way too flat and horizontal.
        The PD from Freemancity is a good example of verticality except that it's ruined by stupid elevators that have closing doors and can be spammed and jammed and blocked and... don't get me started...
        it's also ruined by certain unfortunately placed props and hacking terminals which leads me to my next point...

      • ☐ If you're gonna add props to the PD, please make sure they don't introduce new routes (unless it's the mapper's intention)
        For example, in Freemancity, the Cells room has a hacking terminal that people can jump on to get on the walkways up top, which makes the Cells essentially ONE door away!
        and like I mentioned before, City45 has this too where you can jump on the hacking terminal in the main lobby and on the walkway on the top left and get straight into the Cells...

      • ☐ Regarding the aforementioned idea of a front hall as well... it would be nice if there is a built-in defensive mechanisms.
        Sort of like the weapons disarming scanner in Freemancity that you activate from the adjacent room (but it's unlikely that a cop will be there because there is no other reason to, which is why, again, well roundedness and flow is important for a PD besides there is a button prop in that hall the rebels jump on to skip the hall altogether which is why props shouldn't introduce new routes)
        But keeping it fair and doable enough like a game or obstacle course that demands the players attention and if they're being shot at, forces them to multitask.

      • ☐ The Cells and Suit room should be at minimum 3-4 doors away from the outside and one shouldn't be ON THE WAY to the other...
        there needs to be a choice made by the rebel on what he is getting into the PD for. Otherwise it's a little absurd.
        This is an area where Freemancity PD suffers, both the Suit room AND the Cells are 1 room away from the outside.

      • ☐ No useless empty rooms.

      The design philosophy should be innately aware that a PD is essentially a DM map (with objectives) within the RP map.
      It should be fun for both parties but of course skewed towards the Cops because of home advantage.
      Rebels need to prepare and WORK to get into the PD while cops are on. Whereas right now, people do PD raids for shits and giggles when they're bored
      and Cops feel like if one rebel gets inside it's already hopeless and useless to keep trying.

      As for the map in general I don't have much to say, I think most maps are fine the way they are
      but I have a few points worth mentioning...

      • Even though changing this is almost impossible, most maps have a vantagepoint that has a very good view on the PD exits and multiple escape routes if cops get close. It feels OP but it's kind of unavoidable (which is exactly what I was trying to alleviate with the suggested Assassin specialty) The tall building next to the gas station on Amsterville is an example of that. The roof of that building has a perfect sniper's view on all PD exists.
      • Similar to previous point, a lot of PD's with roofs are too easily accessible to rebels. It creates a bit of a grey area as to whether this or that is part of the PD or not,
        if someone's flying on top of the PD's airspace, are they on the PD? I just wish the design didn't even insinuate such questions and conundrums.

      In any case, I will likely fiddle around with Hammer and make an exemplar of what I think the perfect PD looks like in the future.
    • thank you for your kind words

      eldrun wrote:

      place a high value criminal in a "more secure prison cell" (would only work on certain maps). The cavet with this is only one prisoner can be place under "High security (VIP Jail)" at a time.
      I wouldn't mind this as you suggest it. In fact, I have proposed a very similar idea a year ago here:
      Bio Waste & High-security Jail Cells.
      but was rejected because - I assume - it was too much work for little difference.

      eldrun wrote:

      2). Skill Cuffs: I think this should be limited to ONE specialty and it should half xp gained from a cuff. Xbow skill cuffs are difficult until you understand how the mechanics of a crossbow work at a higher level which makes them near impossible to dodge-- there's a reason Sidezz and other professional DMers have advocated against it in the past.
      I highly disagree. It's hard enough as it is and if anything I actually think it should reward DOUBLE XP, but the jail on the other hand gives you the remaining 1XP especially since the jail isn't completed or guaranteed, you still have to make the trip to the cuffed player, if you shoot them or someone else does to send them to the cell that doesn't count as a jail nor does it rewards you with the XP or 5$ per second for their sentence (I tested this)
      Sure, if an insane DMing veteran who specifically trained with the Xbow for years decides to play on Cold Com regularly and play Cop out of anything, I guess a !skillcuffs switch would be OP and we should redisscuss it, but how likely is that? I mean, looking at the Exp leaderboard now, the top 3 Cops are me, Nugget and Vegeta, and Vegeta doesn't play nearly as much as me and Nugget and ALL three of us aren't the best DMers (I'm being humble) and we only hit 1 out of 5 Xbow Bolts on average.

      eldrun wrote:

      Rebels should lose CASH when cuffed when paired with a bounty- if you are caught with bounty crime and sent to jail I don't think cops should get the money but the cash should be instead sent to a terminal in the PD that hackers can steal from sort of like an "evidence locker" consider this a hacker buff as well which could easily be made into a daily. This would incentivize being more careful than just racking up a bounty with a printer and recklessly leaving your house with 30k (exaggeration but you get the point) in hand.
      I respect the creativity of the idea, but if you're saying that the cop doesn't get this money at all and cannot even collect it from the terminal (AND deposit it from the terminal) then I highly disagree.
      Making money as a cop is already a Sisyphean struggle, I am not in favor of taking away any revenue streams, especially one that JUST got added to the game. If anything, I think it's dumb that cops don't get double bounty. But I didn't put that in the forums because it would discourage Bounty Hunters.

      eldrun wrote:

      and complete certain tasks-- such as active things like cuffing, destroying contraband,...
      You've essentially resuggested Cop dailies lol so no I do not think the shift system I proposed should be tied to a task.
      Especially if it's a Confiscation daily... you'll NEVER see those completed. How likely is it that a cop finds a printer or plants laying around?

      eldrun wrote:

      Another idea would be perhaps marking a specific drug buyer as a undercover cop (who cant cuff) but when drugs are sold to place a massive bounty on the player who sells to him first.
      Now THIS I like alot. That's an idea right there.
      Yknow I played around with the idea of an undercover cop specialty but it never clicked. But something like this makes alot more sense.

      eldrun wrote:

      I'm not entirely a fan of the dynamic bribe system-- but I do think knowing jail time is an important feature that for some reason is now non-existent.
      I'll tell you what I told metal... If one exists, there's no need for the other.

      eldrun wrote:

      Perhaps with a dynamic bribe system there is a min and max range of "acceptable bribes" that cops can accept without repercussion. If they go well above that rate they should be penalized by xp as well as if they go well below that range. Scaling of course as touted in an above idea.
      This is something I can personally get behind. Might even encourage rebels to give a higher bribe if a cop is asking for it because at least the bastard will lose XP.
      But if I may add to this... just like you say accepting bribes below the min would be penalized (which is something I can support) releasing prisoners with a long sentence should also do that.
      Too many retarded cops (like El Muchacho) that let criminals out who are running rampant and/or accept 25$ dollar bribes from them. It's not against the rules and it's the cops right to do that but it makes you very unpopular among your peers, because you're fucking them out of a payday, and very popular amongst rebels because you're letting them shit on everyone for no consequences. It's also borderline colluding. So I am very much in favor of having a built-in system to penalized something like that.

      eldrun wrote:

      I think accepting bounties that are higher than the amount of money they receive from jailing players SHOULD contribute to loss in xp. Thinking from a logical standpoint accepting a bribe is being a bad cop-- it should scale based on how high you go above your 'jail time' earned money with a reasonable cap.
      Fine with this, BUT just like the one before, ONLY if you also lose XP for accepting BELOW that or RELEASING someone who would've otherwise served a long ass sentance.

      Thanks again, I liked how you developed some of my suggestions.
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