Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Jake/Necr0sis

    Jakee - - Introduction


    Hi. I overlooked this part of the forum massively upon my arrival, so I though what the heck, better late than never right? I'm recently 19 and from lovely old England. My father is a Police Sergeant within the Humberside Police Force. My mother passed away when I was 15. I have recently completed an Electrical Apprenticeship at one of the largest steel works in Europe and I'm currently 99% of the way to getting my funding from the company to go ahead and do my Degree in Electrical Engineering. …


    Jakee - - News/Announcements


    All for this. and dat artwork!

  • People AFKing also has its benefits for people who aren't doing so. For example 10 people afk on the server means that drugs grow faster for the people who are planting. As well as that I used to enjoy searching for AFK people that were doing so behind only a couple of locks. I know other people do the same. I guess it adds a small aspect of realism.

  • Re: Firefighter Job

    Jakee - - Suggestions


    Yeah, definitely people abusing this Job.

  • Re: Syle22's Christmas 2012

    Jakee - - General Discussion


    Quick change of nationality for Christmas^^ [img width=500 height=279][/img]

  • Will the clean-up involve the VIP appartments too?

  • Re: Clean up

    Jakee - - Suggestions


    Personally, I couldn't agree more with this suggestion. It took me forever to find a house I could afford because all 25k, 35k, 80k and 85k appartments are gone and most of them I personally haven't seen used in a long while. As well as that, new players that are becoming regulars are struggling to get their own places. I think a reduction in the time that doors are reset, from (I think) a month to maybe 1/2 weeks without playing would help this. Obviously for people that are going away for holi…