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  • I want to be a cop

    Waffles12t - - Denied Applications


    Age:11 In-Game name:Waffles12t SteamID: ?? Time played:104 hours Do you have a mic?: yes Why are you applying for Civil Protection?:So I can put people in jail with super high crime. What are the basic rules as Civil Protection?:You arrest people and put them in a cell do not accept bribes What is the function the Civil Protection?:You arrest people put them in jail and it’s that easy If a player were to be rdming you what do you do?: Try to stop and put both people in jail I think you should ba…

  • Aply for a CP

    Waffles12t - - Denied Applications


    I have a microphone and I am 11 but my mom lets me play I want 2 play as CP because sometimes I get tired of the boring jobs and I want a special job. The rules I know are: Not 2 kill if player not provoked you,kick door after 4k crime only I can dedicate 2-6 hours per day for server on week days not weekends or school days because I will have lots of homework in the school year I dont know how many hours I can play I can benefit the server by being a nice Russian guy =3 The funcrion of CP is ro…