Respect & Cop Experience Numbers

  • Respect & Cop Experience Numbers


    High levels of respect allow you to spawn with weapons.
    Respect is gained from killing cops and players when 2 or more cops are actually online.
    Cop kill = 2 Respect. Rebel kill = 1 respect. Death = -1 respect. Jail = -2 respect

    300 Respect - Crowbar

    500 Respect - Pistol and Crowbar

    700 Respect - SMG

    1300 Respect - Shotgun and Crowbar

    2300 Respect - Revolver and Crowbar

    Rebels: ( DO NOT KILL players under 5 hours to earn respect. Unless they shot you first.
    Then you can kill them only once. )

    Cop Experience
    Cops earn 2 experience every time they jail a rebel at 1800 or more crime.

    0 Experience - Police Medic [100 HP, 0 Suit, Pistol]

    400 Experience - Police Officer [140 HP, 50 Suit, Pistol, SMG, Shotgun]

    800 Experience - Police Sniper [140 HP, 50 Suit, Pistol, Revolver, Crossbow]

    1200 Experience - Police Sergeant [130HP, 50 Suit, Pistol, Revolver, Shotgun]

    1800 Experience - Police Lieutenant [160HP, 65 Suit, Pistol, Revolver, SMG, Shotgun, Crossbow]

    2200 Experience - Police General [170 HP, 75 Suit, Pistol, Revolver, SMG, PR, Shotgun, Crossbow]

    2600 Experience - Police Captain [180 HP, 80 Suit, Pistol, Revolver, SMG, PR, Shotgun, Crossbow, 3 Grenades]

    3000 Experience - SWAT [190 HP, 80 Suit, Pistol, Revolver, SMG, PR, Shotgun, Crossbow, 3 Grenades, 3 Slams]

    The post was edited 1 time, last by Emperor Jorune ().

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