
    • Huh. Who knew this place was still kicking around.

      Bet you fags all thought I was fuckin rolled over in a grave by now ;)

      I look at this, shit, and I still see so much nostalgia.

      -=M/\D C/\KE=-
      Heh. I've not talked to CAKE the co-leader of that clan in 4 fucking years.

      I haven't used this user name or profile picture in like 3 years.

      I haven'y used these forums in almost seven years.

      I remember when Tissue was a fuckin' issue.

      I remember when SylesRP was two separate servers with separate SQL databases.

      I remember when I ran the 2nd largest (And most fucking autistic) gang.

      I remember when Ponyboy was around, annoying everyone with his shitty voice changer.

      I remember when Ghost was the coolest dude around.

      Man, if it wasn't for this place, I woulda never discovered the Gmod RP scene, and I wouldn't be building my own server lmao. If nothin' else, I thank y'all for that. And helping cure my of some autism.

      I even have this old gem, posted by Skaltgg back in 2010
      -=M/\D C/\KE=-

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Mad_2 ().

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