Randy's Pudge's Cop Application

    • Randy's Pudge's Cop Application

      --Basic info--

      Age: 15
      In-Game name: Randy's Pudge
      SteamID: 0:1:123269039
      Time played :80 Hours


      Do you have a mic?: Yes

      Why are you applying for Civil Protection?: I have trouble with gang respect, and so I want to be able to climb up the ranks as a cop
      (and obviously for fun)

      What are the basic rules as Civil Protection?: You can't RDM rebels and no kicking doors down under 4000 crime.

      What is the function the Civil Protection?: To jail rebels over 1800 crime and keep peace within the realm of CoLD Community.

      If a player were to be rdming you what do you do?: Wait until he reaches 1800 crime and cuff and jail him (Maybe even give
      his victims some artillery for revenge lol)

      How much time can you dedicate to the server(Include time zone): Around 2-4 hours on week days and 4+ hours on weekends (Weekends are spotty however because
      I have Marching and Jazz band)

      How will you benefit the server?: By jailing those who have committed acts of crime in our community.

      Is this your first time as Civil Protection?: I was cop before the last eco wipe and have just recently dedicated a lot of time to this server.

      A new player has joined the servers and no admins are on, how will you help this player?: Introduce him to RP if he is new, and show him around the map, getting him accustomed to it and the RP

      Anything else you would like to add?: Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my application.
      --End Application--
    • Unsure of where I stand on this, Have seen multiple under 10 killings even after telling him not to. But on the other hand, have also seen a lot of helping out new players etc. As of atm I am nor +1 or -1 for this application, unless edged towards +1 by him improving in-game (STOP KILLING UNDER 10s)
      The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
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