Cop EXP Suggestions

    • Cop EXP Suggestions


      I'd like to throw in a few suggestions:

      Cops should get EXP from destroying plants/printers:

      1 EXP per plant.
      2 or 3 EXP per printer. (Since rebels can only spawn one)

      This will give cops the incentive to destroy the drugs/printers and will add more fun to being a cop, and ofc because cops can't get in a criminal's apartment/home unless he has more than 4000 accumulated crime.

      Also EXP award should be dynamic based on crime accumulated, I'd say players with more than 5000 crime should award cop 4 EXP points if he arrests him/her, more than 10000 would award cop 5 points, and so on...
    • I really like the idea of the higher exp gain from arresting players with a higher crime. With the exp awarded for destroying plants and printers, cops get paid out money for doing so. So they should have the incentive to do so anyways.
      The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
    • Abusable how? The only way it'd get abused would be rebels working along with cops and we all know that = cop strips. It would have a max limit of exp gained on it, say 10 exp for a cuff of 50k + so that you weren't getting like 100 exp for a player with like 400k crime or something along them lines.
      The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting
    • IDaab wrote:

      Abusable how? The only way it'd get abused would be rebels working along with cops and we all know that = cop strips. It would have a max limit of exp gained on it, say 10 exp for a cuff of 50k + so that you weren't getting like 100 exp for a player with like 400k crime or something along them lines.
      It’s too hard to prove that they are working together. Plus I can shoot the cop and they can shoot back and by the time I have a good amount of crime it’s time for me not to shoot the cop anymore.
    • The payout for destroy plants/printers is quite small yes, however if a player really wanted the money they would no doubt destroy the plants/printers. At the end of the day $100 is better than no dollars, It also adds up if the cop is in it for the money. You get a good 300+ from plants plus the money from jailing a player or their bribe if they decide to do so, which will roughly pay out a good 500+ depending on jail time/bribe amount. So over a period, doing this can earn quite a lot of money.
      Yes some cases it could be hard to tell if a rebel and a cop are working together. But if a rebel and a cop are engaging in a shoot out, said cop is going to either kill/cuff that rebel at some stage. (Depending on skill level of both players) Reducing the rebels crime or eliminating it altogether and I mean, the rough estimated levels of crime I threw out are quite high. So trying to farm this way will take a lot of time and raises the risk of another player coming along and collecting that sweet bounty.
      It could also be done in a certain way, like its dependent on the player base in game or the amount of active cops at that stage which would greatly reduce the possibility of it being abused.
      The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting