noah's civil protection application

  • noah's civil protection application

    --Basic info--

    Age: 21
    In-Game name: noah
    SteamID: 76561198250280824
    Time played: 84 hrs


    Do you understand that upon being Accepted as Cop you forfeit being a Gang Member(If one) and that you may never be a Cop and in a Gang at the same time?: yes

    Do you have a mic?: yes, but I don't often use it, soon getting a better quality one.

    Why are you applying for Civil Protection?: the role of civil protection has interested me since I joined, it helps to even out the gameplay on the server.

    What are the basic rules as Civil Protection?: No joining a gang, no unprovoked kills, no arrests below 1800 crime, no kicking doors if those behind them fall below 4k crime, absolutely no collusion, required to defend self from attacks, required to kill rebels in PD (or arrest if crime is high enough).

    What is the function the Civil Protection?: Civil protection exists to keep crime low and

    If a player were to be rdming you what do you do?: Since RDM isn't explicitly disallowed, it can go on without intervention. However, as soon as the player's crime goes above the appropriate threshold (i.e. 1800 in the open, 4k behind a door), they should be arrested per the previous cop rules. If shots fired hit me, then fire back.

    How much time can you dedicate to the server per week(Include time zone):? A few hours nightly EDT, though during semesters at college this may be more limited depending on workload. Weekends will probably be spent here.

    How will you benefit the server?: By keeping the order and investigating crime, as cops are meant to do.

    Is this your first time as Civil Protection?: Yes

    A new player has joined the servers and no admins are on, how will you help this player?: Show them around to where they can find jobs, teach them the basics of the interface, and make sure they understand how to function as a rebel. Will assist them if required in learning how to play.

    Anything else you would like to add?: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    --End Application--
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