Improve turf wars?

    • Improve turf wars?


      I think you should focus on turf wars. Make it some kind of fast paced entertaining game mode that you can know nothing about and just jump into. Let the rest of the farming and slow paced stuff that requires learning be extra fluff. Maybe have it so just standing in zones acts like capture points. If you're not in a gang it captures it under your name, if you are it captures it for the gang. Then give buffs of some sort and maybe weapons and money over time that improve as you claim more turf.

      Buffs could be:
      Money over time
      Spawning guns in the players hand as they enter their own turf, more turf = better guns
      Healing over time
      Speed boosts
      Spawning only in your turf
      etc.. etc..

      Debuffs for turf intruders could be:
      Reduced speed
      Money fee over time, get charged a small amount over time that gets sent to the owner or gang mambers
      Damage over time
      Etc.. etc..

      If not that, add meat somewhere else. There is significantly more to do on moonshade than cold. I want to play on cold but it usually has 0 players still and nothing to do solo but sit there and water a plant. Get creative, add in something unique to do that you can just jump into. Let me take over the whole city and get mad income boosts while I'm the only one playing!

      2cents spent. GL fam.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Murderous Morty ().

    • Murderous Morty wrote:


      I think you should focus on turf wars. Make it some kind of fast paced entertaining game mode that you can know nothing about and just jump into. Let the rest of the farming and slow paced stuff that requires learning be extra fluff. Maybe have it so just standing in zones acts like capture points. If you're not in a gang it captures it under your name, if you are it captures it for the gang. Then give buffs of some sort and maybe weapons and money over time that improve as you claim more turf.

      Buffs could be:
      Money over time
      Spawning guns in the players hand as they enter their own turf, more turf = better guns
      Healing over time
      Speed boosts
      Spawning only in your turf
      etc.. etc..

      Debuffs for turf intruders could be:
      Reduced speed
      Money fee over time, get charged a small amount over time that gets sent to the owner or gang mambers
      Damage over time
      Etc.. etc..

      If not that, add meat somewhere else. There is significantly more to do on moonshade than cold. I want to play on cold but it usually has 0 players still and nothing to do solo but sit there and water a plant. Get creative, add in something unique to do that you can just jump into. Let me take over the whole city and get mad income boosts while I'm the only one playing!

      2cents spent. GL fam.
      There's nothing like a good nut. I'm pretty sure Sidezz already has the turf buffs either in the game or they're already planned. We just need a way of advertising the server and then make a tutorial.
    • SuperJay wrote:

      There's nothing like a good nut. I'm pretty sure Sidezz already has the turf buffs either in the game or they're already planned. We just need a way of advertising the server and then make a tutorial.
      Did you just call me a nut?
    • SuperJay wrote:

      syle22 wrote:

      Yes good suggestions we have a few stock bonues in mind already. Of course we will continue to add more and rotate between the buffs
      We can't really have gang wars since literally no one plays on the server, and almost everyone who even plays on the server is in my gang.
      People might play if there was stuff to do as a gang (even a solo gang). Also people would create competing gangs if there was any point to it.

      Add something to actively do and people will play. Add a tutorial on how to water a plant by yourself and people will keep not playing. (Not that I think a tutorial is a bad idea. I just think the server would thrive with some more self explanatory meat and bones. More to do.. less stand and do nothing..)
    • Sidezz wrote:

      I wanted to originally make turfs a big deal, but I can see that bringing that scale down to a much smaller level could in fact bring much more diversity to things, short cap times, short freeze times, much more dynamically rolling benefits, etc. could definitely make it much more chaotic and enjoyable as there wouldn't be a constant break in activity.
      I would like a chaotic roleplay. It would be very different from other Roleplay servers and could bring in tons of players.
    • Murderous Morty wrote:

      SuperJay wrote:

      syle22 wrote:

      Yes good suggestions we have a few stock bonues in mind already. Of course we will continue to add more and rotate between the buffs
      We can't really have gang wars since literally no one plays on the server, and almost everyone who even plays on the server is in my gang.
      People might play if there was stuff to do as a gang (even a solo gang). Also people would create competing gangs if there was any point to it.
      Add something to actively do and people will play. Add a tutorial on how to water a plant by yourself and people will keep not playing. (Not that I think a tutorial is a bad idea. I just think the server would thrive with some more self explanatory meat and bones. More to do.. less stand and do nothing..)
      Go to 0:24.