All rules that apply to regular players apply to Gang Members.
A Gang has one Base.
Gang members do not Own(/buydoor) any doors outside the Base.
- Vips are exempt from this and may own their VIP Apartment.
Gangs are limited to 6 Props per Gang Member, Max 36 Props.
- This means 5 Members Caps the amount of Props a Gang gets but doesn't discourage having more than 5.
- Gangs may have a Max of 8 Members(7 Subordinates + Leader).
Gang Members may not be Cops, choose one or the other.
Gang Commands
/creategang [Name] [Tag] - Cost $250k. Will strip cop in favor of Gang Job, Gang Jobs spawn with 110 hp + crowbar by default.
/invitetogang [Player] - Send an invite.
/kickfromgang [Player] - Remove a player from your Gang.
/acceptinvite - Accept a pending Gang invite
/declineinvite - Decline a pending Gang invite.
/leavegang - Leaves a Gang.
/addgangdoor - Sets a Door as a Gang Door.
/removegangdoor - Removes a Door's Status as a Gang Door.
/specialty - Allows you to choose a Gang Job Specialty.
Updated 10/25/20 - Beef